Meiying M10 - how to recovery mode?


Jun 27, 2012
Hi all,

I bought a meiying m10 tablet (MID M10) does anybody know how to recovery mode? I'm trying to get root access on that. Could you please help me?

I'm android newbite, may I provide further info on cpu or hardware please let me know :)

Thank you :)
Hey man, I have the M10 as well. It took A TON OF RESEARCH to get this damn thing rooted. You may already have the right drivers. You need to download a program called unlock root. You will have to use adb to see if your device is connected or not. You get into recovery mode by, powering off the device, then holding MENU+POWER. It will bring up the stupid android laying down and a triangle. Then, on adb, you type "adb devices" it will bring up some 12345... generic name and say it's in recovery. Which you CANNOT root it in. Soooo.... then you take a paper clip, while still connected to the computer, and poke the hole, lol, to reset the device. Once, reset, try adb devices again. It should give you that same generic name but now say device to the right of it. Now your comp recognizes the devices. Not you start up the program unlockroot and just start it and let it do its thing. It might say your devices is rooted, but just tell it to root it anyway.

any questions, email me @ Most things you will learn from google so, google your heart out. I had to read and read and read and read....

After that, you can help me try to get some kind of interactive recovery for this damn thing. I really REALLY want an interactive recovery because I want to try to change the build.prop to make the device more recognizable to google play for compatibility sake. And if I funk it up, I want to be able to restore the damn thing.

Lemme know if this works, if you dont know what ADB is... GOOGLE it. and if you don't know where to get the unlockroot program from, GOOGLE it!!! lol

Good luck broski!
