Micro SD Confusion for New Tablets

have you tried manual mount command?

adb shell

mount -t ntfs /dev/block//vold/179:1 /mnt/extsd

also are you rebooting after you intsert sdcard?
have you tried manual mount command?

adb shell

mount -t ntfs /dev/block//vold/179:1 /mnt/extsd

also are you rebooting after you intsert sdcard?

Yes, I am rebooting. Here is what the mount command resulted in:

app_113@android:/ $adb shell
* daemon not running. starting it now on port 5038 *
* daemon started successfully *
error: device not found
1|app_113@android:/ $mount -t ntfs /dev/block//vold/179:1 /mnt/extsd
mount: No such file or directory
255|app_113@android:/ $
Sorry. I just realized it might help if I mounted to a folder that exists. This is the folder that is typically mounted for the external card on this device.

app_113@android:/ $adb shell
* daemon not running. starting it now on port 5038 *
* daemon started successfully *
error: device not found
1|app_113@android:/ $mount -t ntfs /dev/block//vold/179:1 /mnt/extsd
mount: No such file or directory
255|app_113@android:/ $mount -t ntfs /dev/block//vold/179:1 /mnt/sdcard2
mount: Operation not permitted
255|app_113@android:/ $
Sure this tells you what your kernel can do, your kernel is missing a lot your kernel can mount ntfs but lacks nodev autofs, which mean.s it can't automatically determine and mount filesystems.
Any idea what this means?

1|app_113@android:/ $cat proc/filesystems
nodev sysfs
nodev rootfs
nodev bdev
nodev proc
nodev cgroup
nodev tmpfs
nodev debugfs
nodev sockfs
nodev usbfs
nodev pipefs
nodev anon_inodefs
nodev rpc_pipefs
nodev devpts
nodev ramfs
nodev nfs
nodev fuse
nodev fusectl
nodev oprofilefs
app_113@android:/ $
Sure this tells you what your kernel can do, your kernel is missing a lot your kernel can mount ntfs but lacks nodev autofs, which mean.s it can't automatically determine and mount filesystems.

Thanks. So I guess based on this as well as what others have said I need to: 1) root the tablet and then 2) attempt to manually mount an NTFS mSD card via the command line...correct?

Rooting is completely new to me, but there seems to be quite a bit of information out there. I'll report back once I've done 1) and 2) above. Hopefully, this will fix things for me.
Darn. I was excited to see an update was available for my A2109. I installed it and then plugged in my NTFS micro SD card. It mounted! I thought my troubles were over, but then I tried to copy to the card from the tablet and no luck. I am able to put data on the card from my computer and the tablet can read it, but no joy for writing to it when mounted in the tablet. I just don't get it.
Darn. I was excited to see an update was available for my A2109. I installed it and then plugged in my NTFS micro SD card. It mounted! I thought my troubles were over, but then I tried to copy to the card from the tablet and no luck. I am able to put data on the card from my computer and the tablet can read it, but no joy for writing to it when mounted in the tablet. I just don't get it.

Well sounds like you got an updated kernel that auto mounts, you would need to see if sdcard is mounted ro or rw, ro means read only, rw mean read and write.

Also you must be rooted, I have already said that, but sometimes people just forget root is required.
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