Mid 7015 fastboot - won't get back to android screen


Apr 9, 2011
Hopefully someone can give me some info here. I have tried to get into CWM recovery and failed, but now my screen goes into fastboot mode...? When I go to turn on the device and depress power and back (silver) button to go to the android screen, I get a message at the bottom left screen that says-"the device enter fastboot mode...please connect USB to PC or reset the device...waitting........." (sic). I then have to push the reset button to go to the home screen. What's happening? Everything else works fine. How to get back to the original android screen? Maybe someone can enlighten me on this fastboot mode.:confused:
Been there! I was scared to death :p It happened when I was testing fun_'s Cyanogenmod 7 and Clockwork Recovery 3. Its an easy fix (as long as you have ADB configured on your computer!!)

I assume you can't enter the OS and instead of going into recovery it enters fastboot mode:
- Start a command prompt (cmd in windows or terminal in linux)
- If you have the file "recovery.img" to install Clockworkmod Recovery (either the old version or 3) put it inside the folder where you're running the command prompt
- While the message appears on your tablet connect it to your PC via USB
- In the command prompt write:

fastboot flash recovery recovery.img

- You should see a message that shows you the progress (image being transferred)
- When it's done, reboot your tablet and you should be able to go into recovery mode :)

Hope it helps.
Yes. Hold the window key and press r. A box will open. Type cmd or command.

Sent from my GTablet using Android Tablet Forum
Thanks beastman, did I do the right thing of dragging the recovery.img program to the dos window. I tried that but couldn't get it to work. Any thoughts. I don't know how my coby 7015 got to the fastboot mode . I am trying to get back to Clockworkmod so I can try to upgrade to Honeycomb.
I had this problem...this is what I did to fix.....Turn the device over on the back there is a reset button. Use a pin to press for about 5 secs then give it a minute and turn power on.