mid 7024 Problems loading/reading Overdrive Library ebooks


Jul 4, 2011
I have just purchased a new 7024 and have some problems. It runs and downloads books in the Nook, Kindle and Aldiko Apps but, when trying to use the Overdrive app as a catalog in the Kindle app, I can't get it to login to the Overdrive Library. It seems to freeze and when I go to menu it has the option to view in browser. When I go to the browser it shows an error that says I have'nt completed the login.
I can download a library book on my PC and then copy the file onto the sdcard in the Coby and it does load in the Overdrive app but the margins are so far off that it is not practical to read using that app(you get a page and a third and can't change the margin width).
I would really like to get either the Overdrive margins adjusted or be able to load the library books into the Nook or Aldiko apps.

I get a "could not load file" when trying to import into Aldiko app. I tried the suggestions that are in some other posts but they did not work .

I would really appreciate it if anybody out there can help with this.
I am also having BAD time getting library books to load. Sometimes it wants me to authorize the Adobe to my coby and lets them load..At present I have 3 ebooks checked out. I can see all 3 on my SD card and it won't load any of them and Overdrive says my book shelf is empty. NOW I have the same android as this as my LG cell phone. I can download ALL may library books to Overdrive on my SD card in my phone...so I would love to just swope out SD cards if that would work but I am so afraid I will crash this thing. My cell phone will let me do google market but the Coby aplib keeps saying I don't have account but I with paypal attached to pay any charges and it still won't let me have certain apps. Such as Flash drive it says it has to have for ebooks ...duh!
I have NO intentions of using this to play games but I loved the 5 books I could load from library and music I have on there. Samples load directly to my ereader from library but the books WON'T. I go to gym, read, listen to music while I walk my 3 or 4 miles on the treadmill. NOW I can't get anything to load! It usually takes me a week to satisfy this thing on transferring a book from PC to the Coby! There has to be an easier way to do this!
The folders used for external microSD card is a bit different in Kyros. In my MID1024, the external microSD card is loaded at /extsd (or /mnt/extsd they are both the same thing) while the user space of the internal SD card is the usual /sdcard (same as /mnt/sdcard). If you connect the tablet to your computer using USB and enabling is as device, you should see 2 disks as well when using the external microSD (BTW when using a thumb drive while in host mode, it's loaded at /udisk).

Hope this help. I never used Overdrive, so I can't help much with it. If you still have problems with Aldiko, this may help:
Aldiko Customer Support