MID9742 CWM recovery reboot problem


Mar 24, 2013
Hi there

I have rooted my 9742 as per the "Read this first..." thread in the Coby gen 3 forum.
That all worked fine and I have superuser.
I had a problem with the dump, the files were generated but I can not copy them from the tablet. When I try to the transfer starts but promptly drops to 0 kbps and stays there, if I try to cancel it it hangs until the USB is pulled.
So I downloaded another stock image and went ahead with installing CWM.

It appears to install fine, ADB sends the command to reboot to CWM but when the tablet reboots it does so into the standard android recovery screen.

Came across a vague mention of needing to rename a file so the recovery doesn't re-flash itself but that was for a different device and no particulars were given.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you
what adb command did you give?

adb shell


echo -n boot-recovery | busybox dd of=/dev/block/nandf count=1 conv=sync; sync; reboot
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Unhide your extensions on Windows. Otherwise, when you rename the recovery image to cwm_recovery.img the end result is really cwm_recovery.img.img. Also be sure you're renaming the correct file.
Unhide your extensions on Windows. Otherwise, when you rename the recovery image to cwm_recovery.img the end result is really cwm_recovery.img.img. Also be sure you're renaming the correct file.

Extensions were visible and I still managed to do this /shame

Renamed the files correctly and it worked first time.

Thanks guys :)