momo8 display back to front


Feb 25, 2014
Hi all, looking for some help.

I have a Momo8 IPS that I opened up to resolder the dc power socket. Sorted that and tried tablet while it was still open. Screen worked fine. Put it back together and screen is on but touch screen is diagonal to where you touch. For example, the back, home, sound buttons are on the bottom left but to get them to work you have to touch the top right of the screen. To swipe the tablet open normally you go from right of centre across to right, now you have to go from left of centre to left. All symbols and icons are still in original place.

I'm convinced that as I was laying tablet back down to reassemble that I've swiped and reset something on the screen. Has anyone any suggestions please.
You can fix it if you pull the script.bin and convert it to script.fex and edit the ctp and rtp flags....As an example...

rtp_exchange_x_y_flag = 0

ctp_used = 1
ctp_name = "ft5x_ts"
ctp_twi_id = 2
ctp_twi_addr = 0x38
ctp_screen_max_x = 800
ctp_screen_max_y = 600
ctp_revert_x_flag = 1
ctp_revert_y_flag = 1
ctp_exchange_x_y_flag = 0

Try changing revert_x_flag to 0 vice versa for Y also....It will be either 1 or 0