Movies on a tablet for novices

These answers are exactly why the iPad is better. And I am an Android fan/user. But they have to solve the music/movie ease of purchase/download. They need gtunes or whatever they'll call it... otherwise people will continue to own ipods and pads even if they have droids... I'd love to get the HTC flyer but I want easy movie downloads with zero anything other than "click here to download."

well sense your an android fan you know these answers are for lower end devices the higher end devices play high quality video just fine without any converting. And alot of people dont want to buy the same movie twice so why not just buy the dvd then rip it or just use the digital copy that comes with most of them for your mobile device. But i guess for people that dont know how to use the devices they own apple does have something on android. I personally like that android doeasnt expect you to buy every single thing and lets you figure out ways to work things out.
I try to watch everything online, but sometimes use a converter for my itunes favorites, dvd and flash videos
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Ok, I'm new to all this. I ordered my first tablet last night. I'm getting a WIIPad slim with Android 2.1. My question is, for this or any other tablet I end up getting, my wife or daughter will want to watch movies on it. What software is everyone using to convert, and what file format is most prevalent? Any advice or direction from anyone would be appreciated.

I recommend this movies membership site. They offer downloads in their mobile formats also, so no need to convert it. You might also want to get like a 32/16GB SD card or something. It will download directly from the website to your external storage on a tablet.
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