MultiTouch Problem in Coby MID 1042-8 After Install ROM

Downloading... How crazy would it be if it needs the Recovery.img file to accompany the others in order to restore properly? I was half thinking of throwing that into the zip that I removed the format() line from.

it's not needed, I installed this zp on my momo8 booted just fine, my momo8 is 8inch screen so the screen is messed up cause the 1042 has a larger screen, but this zip should install and boot just fine for you.

touch screen drivers are mirror on my momo8,
Well then something is seriously effed up with mine. I did wipe, then flashed the zip and there were no errors, but I'm just getting a blank screen. I should be very specific and say that the the screen is turning on, it is just a glowing black. There is no COLBY splash screen, no android boot screen, no lock screen, nothing. Then if I wait long enough I can hear the lock/unlock sound when I press the power button, so it ends up at the lock screen, just blank. The screen does the light black thing, then times out just like on the lock screen. I try unlocking because I know roughly where the unlock icon is, but nothing happens.

I've also tried booting into recovery holding the home button while powering on. This doesn't work either. It actually won't boot in that fashion and will only boot to the android lock screen. In either case, the device is unrecognized by my computer so I am unable to use ADB. I have a little unbrick thing I wrote for myself that gets it back to functional-with-mouse condition. I'm adding this part just in case somebody else is stuck with the blank screen problem.

Recovering from total blank screen:
Use livesuit 1.07 to flash sun4i_crane_mid1042_120701(8GB)V1.img
turn device off and unplug, run livesuit.exe
hold volume + while plugging in, then press power 5-10 times.

Plug in mouse and go to settings > developer mode > enable USB Debugging

Use /Kyros-7042-Root-CWM/root_recovery.bat to root (recovery won't work, so do it manually as shown below)
adb shell
sh /data/local/tmp/

Bam, that gets me back to a rooted system with CWM. from there I can either recover my prevous cwm backups or just flash ics-gapps. fun times. I'm calling it a night, but I'll be back all too soon.
I don't know what's up then, I can boot the zip on a completely different tablet without any problem, momo8 is made by ployer completely different company. I don't know why your tablet doesn't boot your own backup.
Yeah, this is totally bumming me out how much you are helping and my tablet isn't really improving. If you're still around, I've got some more clues maybe?
I flashed your most recent zip that had the fixed updater-script, then I flashed another zip that was similar, but I replaced your system folder with the one from my dump. But after doing that, the device booted and appears to have everything in place except I couldn't run a logcat on it. It had an error

- exec '/system/bin/sh' failed: Exec format error (8) -

So I checked the sh file from your system folder, and it has a bunch of stuff in it, the one from my system dump is totally blank. Does that add anything to the puzzle, or am I just an idiot for replacing the whole system folder in your zip?
Well then something is seriously effed up with mine. I did wipe, then flashed the zip and there were no errors, but I'm just getting a blank screen. I should be very specific and say that the the screen is turning on, it is just a glowing black. There is no COLBY splash screen, no android boot screen, no lock screen, nothing. Then if I wait long enough I can hear the lock/unlock sound when I press the power button, so it ends up at the lock screen, just blank. The screen does the light black thing, then times out just like on the lock screen. I try unlocking because I know roughly where the unlock icon is, but nothing happens.

I've also tried booting into recovery holding the home button while powering on. This doesn't work either. It actually won't boot in that fashion and will only boot to the android lock screen. In either case, the device is unrecognized by my computer so I am unable to use ADB. I have a little unbrick thing I wrote for myself that gets it back to functional-with-mouse condition. I'm adding this part just in case somebody else is stuck with the blank screen problem.

Recovering from total blank screen:
Use livesuit 1.07 to flash sun4i_crane_mid1042_120701(8GB)V1.img
turn device off and unplug, run livesuit.exe
hold volume + while plugging in, then press power 5-10 times.

Plug in mouse and go to settings > developer mode > enable USB Debugging

Use /Kyros-7042-Root-CWM/root_recovery.bat to root (recovery won't work, so do it manually as shown below)
adb shell
sh /data/local/tmp/

Bam, that gets me back to a rooted system with CWM. from there I can either recover my prevous cwm backups or just flash ics-gapps. fun times. I'm calling it a night, but I'll be back all too soon.

ok, so it seems to boot fully, just black screen, run adb and make sur you have adb access, if you do.

adb shell


this should boot you into recovery

now in recovery

mount -t ext4 /dev/block/nandd /system

adb push /system/lib/hw /system/lib/hw/

note push the /system/lib/hw from sun4i_crane_mid1042_120701(8GB)V1.img or from any system that you have that the diplay works, meaning when you boot you dont have black screen.

or you can open the last zip I upload and replace /system/lib/hw with a known working one.
Sorry for the interrupt But I have a question on My coby mid1042 I have been playing with different rom dumps from any where I can find them I have pushed pulled yanked shoved everything I could find, I think my tab is having an identity crisis, Atm I have the drivers installed and the touch screen works but its like 180 out of sync up is left down is right and so on any ideas how this can be fixed I am running out of ideas. (mostly because I am following you helping others ) I have your CWM installed and working the tab is almost done this is the last step I believe.

OOPS disregard Memory must be going will try earlier instructs
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ok, so it seems to boot fully, just black screen, run adb and make sur you have adb access, if you do.
adb shell
this should boot you into recovery
now in recovery
mount -t ext4 /dev/block/nandd /system
adb push /system/lib/hw /system/lib/hw/
note push the /system/lib/hw from sun4i_crane_mid1042_120701(8GB)V1.img or from any system that you have that the diplay works, meaning when you boot you dont have black screen.
or you can open the last zip I upload and replace /system/lib/hw with a known working one.

Well, it does fix the black screen issue, but still a wonky touch screen. <sigh> I think I might just throw in the towel on this, I want to go back to a normal life... I know someday somebody with the same problem will read the posts leading up to this and be totally let down, but I just can't take it.

On the upside, it works well with a mouse, google apps and hdmi output, so this thing can surely have a life as a media center connected to a TV.

Vampirefo, I hope you aren't too disappointed in me. If you have a bit of ocd and need to try more stuff, I will comply as long as I have the tablet in my possession.
I am about give up as well the screen is gonna be a time waiting issue I believe and coby isn't very helpful I called em and all the clown did was tell me how the warranty was no good not much help at all .