I've been getting the WiFi connect problem on 3.1 for weeks. It keeps looping on "obtaining IP address".
- Conrad
You've got to get OS 3.2 (the new update). I think it will help greatly. I've had the looping/disable wifi bug consistently since 3.1, and it has not happened at all after 3.2. If it goes for one week like this, I'm declaring the issue solved (at least until a future update breaks it again). The bug appeared to be dependent on the combination of Hotspots a person uses, and I had a bad combination.
You need to find a strong wifi Hotspot, get the tablet connected, and get that update. Here's a detailed video about how to reset it (you could also try just turning off wifi and turning it back on):
Once you're back online, do the update (in Settings – About Tablet – System Update), and let us know how that works out. Good luck!
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