my battery problem fixed !


May 24, 2013
Heres how fixed mine after refusing a refund from T**** who said it couldn't be fixed.
Frst using the usb cable that came with the unit, others tend to be short in the bayonet department that fits the unit,switch on the tablet and change setting to stay awake while connected and leave it to totally discharge 4-6hrs,when it switches off abruptly you will see multi colored static continually flash on the screen, the small charge from usb tries to keep it alive,when this occurs switch off usingpower button on the tablet and remove usb and then plug in ac power plug to recharge!
Switch back on and check to see battery monitor graph should be working and a warning its low on power should work.:)


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I have the 100% battery level problem too and haven't been able to find a fix, trying your instructions now, but what have you plugged the other end of the USB lead into?
hi there !this afternoon here ,i recieved my I Robot 2 4.0 android tablet from Ebay,it doesnt have manuals as I expect,I emailed the seller on ebay but replied it has no any available user manual.I dont open the tab pc & charged it for 5 hrs,as the seller told me,after 5 hrs.of charging,i open the tab & i see that it is not charged 7 it is in 4% only & warning to connect charger.i shutdown it & now the battery icon was on moving.How come it wasnt charged when i chardged it for 5 hrs.?how many hours does a tab pc should be charging?
hey Pete,

Iforgot to mention its connected to a PC,the usb has about 3 volts power from the connection thats what tries to keep it going when the battery runs out.
hey almaan,$IMG_0316.JPG

my first charge was overnight using an AC charger,usb takes even longer to charge unless its using an AC adapter like the one in pic