My new TF300T will not charge... or am I missing something?


Apr 26, 2012
It may be my paranoia from reading all the reviews for the TF101, but I just received my TF300T this morning, and it appears to not be charging. Upon opening my box, first thing I did was check to see if it had any power, and tried to turn it on. Nothing, not even the orange light the manual (if you can call it that) said I should see if it needed charging. When I plugged it in to charge, I expected to see a light indicating it was charging, but still nothing. It has now been plugged in for 2 hours and still no indication that it is charging, and it does not turn on.

Am I being paranoid and not patient enough with this, or do I have reason to be concerned?


It sounds as if there may be a problem with the charger. The first thing to try would be spreading the prongs on the AC connection. Then try putting it in the fridge for a few hours. As dumb as that sounds you should try it. If you have any other devices like a phone that uses a similar charger you could see if you get a reaction. That doesn't mean it's working properly but if the charger works with another device that's a start. Note that the 300 requires move voltage than other similar looking chargers output.

One other thing you might try is using the charging cable to plug your 300 into a PC to see if you get any reaction. Again, that's not enough voltage to charge it but you should be able to tell if the 300 is dead or alive.
Usually the batteries in them have some power. Trying holding power button down for a couple seconds and then release. If it still does not come on , then make sure the charger is plugged all the way in all the way. They usually want you to charge it for at least 12 hrs before using, so the battery can get its full use. Charge it (while off), when fully charged, unplug and replug, wait till charge like comes on again, then repeat, perform this about 5 times, this should charge your battery completely. Hope this helps.
Turned out the TF300 was shipped DOA. Not a charging issue, but an issue with the unit. Tried all the charger tips, but the clue was that there was no power at all when first received. I called ASUS and described the issue and they told me to send it back to Amazon, which I did. Kudos to Amazon though. The shipped the new one out before receiving the bad one. Got it today and all is well. I knew I was taking a risk buying one the first day they were available and threw craps with it, but my customer support experience with both Amazon and ASUS was more than satisfactory.
the 300 comes dead plug in the charger when its orange its chargeing whne its green its fully charged but liste nto the book charge the 300 for 8 hours..