My Tablet Story


May 21, 2011
This is the story of my tablet, feel free to comment, I am very new to these tablets only having previously owned an ipod touch.
When the iPad 2 was released of course I tried to buy one, none were available so I put my name on a waiting list, which it is still on.
My ipad2 waiting list is :
Best buy: December 2011
Walmart: Jan 2012
With this I decided to get another tablet to try out, I saw the weekly flyer that BigLots sends out and I saw they were selling the Curtis KLU 8 inch tablet for $149.99
Off I went to big lots, sure enough they had several in stock so I paid up my money, charged it and turned it on.
It's running Android 2.1 so a few issues with youtube etc. but my initial dissapointment was the speed of the thing, it was horribly slow even though it has a 1Gb processor.
I loaded it up with an 8GB TF card and began playng around, battery life is about 3 Hours with WiFi, not too bad.
Pretty soon I got bored with it but then someone told me about Tipsters site and his software pack.
I downloaded his pack, many of the apps would not work but I was able to root it and clock the processor, I know that overclocking the processor can reduce the life of the unit but hey it was only $150.
Now this thing runs like a rocket, Angry Birds runs flawlessly but 3D games don't really work too well, probably because it has no 3D graphics chip.
Be careful though, if you download this pack the explorer app almost bricked this tablet, it would not boot up, I removed the TF card and reformatted it on a PC, this was the only way I could get it to reboot.
The Curtis LT8025 is pretty slow out of the box but if you modify it it is pretty fast, now all I need to do is figure out how to change that annoying green on white "CURTIS" boot up screen for something a little more soothing.