Curtis klu LT8025

I have the 7 inch tablet. Where is you find the firmware download ? All I see is pdf manuals on their website for downloading.

I got one too at big lots. I'm new to the whole tablet/android thing. I was wondering if it is upgradable to android 2.2 or even the new 3.0 platform? There isn't alot of info for this particular tablet online. I did go to the curtis website and there is a firmware update for the 7 in model but nothing for the 8 in. I did read on several other forums that 3.0 android tablets should be flooding the market in mid 2011, so Im not sure if I should keep this one or if I should wait til the better ones come out. Being new to this I dont even know if what I bought is decent or not. I got it for my 17 year old son since his Ipod touch was stolen and this would be cool for him when he goes off to culinary school to download cookbooks and to email from and check his myspace or whatever. So if someone is willing to give us noobs a review or any advice I would greatly appreciate it. Thanks in advance.
Does anybody know how to delete apk files once you download them using appinstall program ?

I can't find them inside the internal memory storage.

There is no update, Curtis did promise one but then abandoned this tablet and cancelled the update, so you are stuck with what you have, pretty much junk.
Big Lots are selling an android 2.2 tablet for $99 right now, it's probably no better than the KLU but at least it has a better version of Android on it.
I suggest you return the 8025 and get one of these, at least you will be $50 better off.

I have the 7 inch tablet. Where is you find the firmware download ? All I see is pdf manuals on their website for downloading.
Hello guys,
I just bricked my Curtis Klu LT8025 when trying to resolve a WIFI issue. When I tried to restore the default firmware, it says that some of the files are corrupted. I have gone EVERYWHERE to look for a compatible firmware I can use and did not find any that works. By the way mine is the version. I tried all the firmwares that were for 8" tablet and it automatically rejects the SDcard at boot stating that the wrap is not for this model.
PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE, I know that they are experts out there that can help me. Could you please guide me to where to find a firmware or what to do next?
Thanks in advance for your help!!!!
This thing was pretty much a no go, big lots sold it for $150.00, the smart ones got their money back, others found it gave up the ghost pretty quickly.
Mine currently serves as an expensive paperweight, Curtis Int. gave up supporting this model shortly after it was released, the promises from Curtis if you buy it we will update it all fell through, there is no more support from the manufacturer.
There is not much you can do since the firmware was not made public (you would have thought curtis would have at least do this favor since they dropped it to their users) but they did now, sadly you are left with an irreparable pice of junk.
Hello guys,
I just bricked my Curtis Klu LT8025 when trying to resolve a WIFI issue. When I tried to restore the default firmware, it says that some of the files are corrupted. I have gone EVERYWHERE to look for a compatible firmware I can use and did not find any that works. By the way mine is the version. I tried all the firmwares that were for 8" tablet and it automatically rejects the SDcard at boot stating that the wrap is not for this model.
PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE, I know that they are experts out there that can help me. Could you please guide me to where to find a firmware or what to do next?
Thanks in advance for your help!!!!
In Post #49 only one update file was identified for Hardware Id "hwver" but nothing since till today when Hardware Id "hwver" was identified. Substituting this hwver in the GET command produces a link for download of wwe8_Android_v4.ius. This maybe an Android 2.2 update for a 8" InfoTMIC tablet ro.product.model=wwe8.

If you have Hardware Id "hwver" as identified with the following command this file could possibly update the tablet to Android 2.2.

$cat /proc/cmdline

Wrap Information:
Company: None
Board: error
Size 83 MB

Image List:
U0 (264.5 K) U-Boot 2009.08-dirty (9 e6 9c 88 23 2011 - 17:34:42)
RD (184 KB)
LK (2333 KB)
ADR_AS (82558.5 KB)

Working folder information

 Android OS version             : 2.2
 Device                         : wwe8
 Model                          : wwe8
 ROM Name                       : FRF85B
 Rooted (Superuser.apk + su)    : NO
 Rooted (unsecured boot.img)    : UNKNOWN
 BusyBox installed              : YES
 BusyBox run-parts support      : NO
 Apps2SD (Apps to EXT) enabled  : NO
 /data/app enabled              : NO
 Custom boot animation allowed  : NO
 Nano text editor installed     : NO
 Bash shell support             : NO
 /system/framework is deodexed  : YES
 /system/app is deodexed        : YES
 radio.img found                : NO
 ROM will wipe all data         : NO

# begin build properties
# autogenerated by年 09月 23日 星期五 10:31:29 HKT
# is obsolete; use ro.product.device
# Do not try to parse or .fingerprint 2.2 FRF85B eng.xecle.20110923.102931 test-keys
# end build properties

Wow, this is the most promising thing I've seen since I bricked my Klu nearly a year ago. I've got the update downbloading now, but it's going to take hours, it's only going 6k/sec. Now I have to see if I can remember how to flash the thing; I've played with so many tablets since then, and they've all got their little quirks. But I do remember that the Klu was quite nice to use for the brief time it worked. I'll come back and tell you if I get anywhere. This is pretty exciting as I'd resigned myself to the Klu being an expensive paperweight. Thanks a heap for finding this, cfrockit.

Would be nice if I could manage to root it before flashing.
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Alas, I have another in the long line of failures. It looked promising after flashing, it did the memory test and all, where it used to hang and do nothing. But now I get the infoTMIC screen with down in the right corner, and that's it. Frozen there. At least this firmware is really for an 8" tablet, of which there don't seem to be very many, or the display would be scrambled.

Anyway, it was worth a try. Thanks, cfrockit.

Previously, I had gotten as far as having the screen with A N D R O I D in the middle, which I think means it has booted, but can't find a file system to mount. I didn't have the infoTMIC screen as I do now, but I did get the penguin picture in the top left corner, which I now don't get. So, one step forward, two back.

Why is it so hard to find someone who has a still-working tablet and can dump an intact firmware image? How many have hung on to their bricked tablet as I have? And keep on going back to the forums every few months to see if anything new has happened?
My Klu LT8025 worked perfectly until one day when turning it on, it just stayed frozen on the third page that appeared, the "Klu by CURTIS" page. I have tried the reset procedure recommended by Curtis support (India), which is to turn on the unit, press the reset button, leave the unit off for 5 hours then turn on again. I did this twice with the exact same result both times. Since the unit is stock with no upgrades, I think it is just something simple, I would not call it "bricked." Any ideas? Support wants me to mail it back and for $44 they will fix it or replace it, since the warranty was only 90 days, but it is covered under a longer parts warranty.
hi, this is not going to be helpful to yu, but could you please help me? i hae lost my ac adapter and cannot find any info about how to contact curtis. i too hae the lt8025, and cannot use it until it is recharged. thanks ahead, any help will be appreciated!
I think I posted a solution here earlier in this thread, you can buy a universal adapter from Radio Shack and also the plug to fit the tablet, much cheaper than ordering it from China, that user was happy, just make sure to get the correct specs for voltage and amps.

hi, this is not going to be helpful to yu, but could you please help me? i hae lost my ac adapter and cannot find any info about how to contact curtis. i too hae the lt8025, and cannot use it until it is recharged. thanks ahead, any help will be appreciated!
Really, it was a piece of junk, $150 wasted, mine currently serves as a doorstop, does a pretty good job too.

My Klu LT8025 worked perfectly until one day when turning it on, it just stayed frozen on the third page that appeared, the "Klu by CURTIS" page. I have tried the reset procedure recommended by Curtis support (India), which is to turn on the unit, press the reset button, leave the unit off for 5 hours then turn on again. I did this twice with the exact same result both times. Since the unit is stock with no upgrades, I think it is just something simple, I would not call it "bricked." Any ideas? Support wants me to mail it back and for $44 they will fix it or replace it, since the warranty was only 90 days, but it is covered under a longer parts warranty.
I might be able to dump out a firmware image. If someone can tell how.
I will have to retrieve the tablet from my niece who is now the user.

UPDATE: Checked with my neice. The pad has given up the ghost.
It now stay frozen on the first screen. Oh well, it served it's purpose.
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Hi to KLU LT8025 owners & other models/brands with problems penetrating the Android Market. I have a KLU LT8025 which has been with me for almost 2 months. I was only able to successfully penetrate he Android Market last night. Using your tablet, create a new gmail account, just for your tablet. Using the default browser, go to Android Market. Click on "login" or "sign in" which will open another window. Type in your email address or username, then your password. If a notification on "certification pops up, just press "Continue" until you are brought to the Android Market. Choose the website you like and you will be able to download games & applications.

Good Luck