NC Won't Power On Or Charge


Jan 18, 2011
Having a bit of difficulty with my NC. The battery drained from my boys (ages 4 and 8) playing Angry Birds constantly. No big deal, just plug it back in overnight and all is usually good. Two days ago my NC was showing the low battery message and I plugged it in as usual. Now it won't take a charge and I can't do anything with it. I'm suspecting a "bad" battery. Anyone else having this issue?

It's rooted using autonooter and CW installed. I'm mildly concerned as if I have to send it in they may see that it is rooted and not fix/replace it for me. I'm not alarmed about this though as if I can't get it to charge then the manufacturer sure won't be able to get it to charge either. And yes, I fully realize that rooting is done at my own risk so I'm not agonizing about it. This may be an opportunity to talk my wife into a Motorola Xoom now.

Any suggestions?

When you plug it in, what color are you getting on the cable?

My boys wrecked the cable so I had to start using the cable from our B&W Nook. IIRC, when I went to my local B&N store, they plugged it in with their cable and I'm pretty sure it was showing orange but I can't be 100% certain.
Has it ever charged on that new cable? My money says the old cable has the shorter plug, like on a phone. The NC uses a longer plug, so phone chargers don't work (I've tried, grrr..) Get the right cable and I bet you'll be fine. Oh, and don't assume they can't make it charge. If the battery is fried, they'll replace it and see you're rooted.. Bye bye warranty.
I've been charging the NC with the B&W cable for several weeks. Each time I put it on the charger it did the job right.

I'll have to keep my fingers crossed for now. B&N digital support is already sending me a new one so my concern about rooting is really a moot point now. I just have to package my old one up and drop it off with UPS tomorrow. The replacement is on the way. Thanks you customer service (top notch support by the way). I was impressed with how easy they made it for me.
Well, that's good service, but if/when they find you've rooted, you might get a bill for that new NC. Be prepared for that.
Yeah, it's a risk...a small one but still a risk. I'll just deal with it if/when it happens. I've got about a million other things right now that rank higher on my worry list so this pales in comparison.
On a side note...I wouldn't get the Xoom right now. Wifi only version is coming soon and they are shipping them with incomplete parts. You have to send it back in to Moto for the 4g parts to be added if you are using a Verizon one.
That was my plan. I have absolutely no desire to get the 4G Xoom when I have a perfectly capable wifi connection in my home. 4G, or even 3G for that matter, doesn't do it for me. I don't want ANOTHER monthly cost on top of what I pay for cell phones, cable, internet, mortgage, car payments, insurance, etc.
That is why the Nook Color is awesome once one gets it running the way they want. It can hold its own amongst these other tabs which are heavily overpriced.