Need Files for Proscan PLT7035

Tried connecting it to an android PC and got nothing. Tried this PC with a live ubuntu 12.04 on usb and there were problems enumerating the device. Installed usblyzer trial in windows to see whats going on and it looks as if the tablet is failing to send a descriptor during the enumeration process. I think I have exhausted my options and time to call it quits. I do appreciate all the help though, thanks!

Oh yeah one more thing rockchip sucks, stay away from them. I once spent days with the same kind of crap on a rockchip usb player, finally got it fixed after lots of russian translation etc... but have not had these horrible problems with texas instruments or allwinner cpu's.
Aite, here is what I have come across on xda. The member crhm has made a rom dump of the PLT7035-PL and posted it

I put the plt 7035-pl files on mediafire. I hope it helps. Iam trying to build a recovery file for cwm. I hope to make a little progres there soon.:)
I will try and help when I can. I just have to quit thinking webos and maybe it will go faster.:good:



Boot .img

Also give the JB rom of Oma a whirl if you do manage to get the tablet resuscitated.

Source thread:
RK2918 Tab Odys-Loox rocks with Jelly Bean ! - xda-developers

xda-developers - View Single Post - RK2918 Tab Odys-Loox rocks with ICS !

Make sure you stop by and say Thanks to him for the effort

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