Ok guys, no joke I've spent nearly 30 hours now trying to update a few tablets that arrived with crappy firmware that had a limited market & didn't allow market downloads + the browser won't work.. GOOGLE AUTHENTICATION FAILED
It's a chinatab manufactured by Ashiou A816 running Android 2.3 Gingerbread with 1.2ghz S5PV210 CPU
The firmware currently installed has EARTH logo at bootup & has the following under ABOUT DEVICE
BUILD NUMBER:full_s5pv210bena-eng2.3.1 GINGERBREAD eng.version=bena-20110512_165851
I have various custom firmware & the newest factory firmware for this tablet, but it doesn't support TF update mode...so I had to download the flashing tool package & install fastboot.exe and a few drivers so my tablet could be flashed..
When I install the drivers for the tablet it installs the android bootloader interface, BUT it doesn't fully install and gives me (ERROR 10) .. I try the update process anyway & fastboot just says "waiting for device"..So it must be a compatibility issue with the drivers & my PC OS..I've tried this update on both WIN 7 64bit & WIN XP with the same results...
Does anyone have this tablet?? What did you do to get the update to work on WIN 7 or any WIN PC for that matter..I'm nearing the end point with patience for this tablet & need some help ASAP..
PS. Box of beer in it for the first person that solves my problem..If you need more info, reply & I'd be happy to provide eveything..
Thanks FTANL
(1) Download the Flash Tools to your computer. ==
extract zip file to a folder.
For example: We extract the zip file to E:/AiShuo/
Put the below 4 files to "C:/windows/system32/" of your computer.
[1] AdbWinUsbApi.dll
[2] AdbWinApi.dll
[3] adb.exe
[4] fastboot.exe
== (2) Install the USB Driver for the Tablets on your computer. ==
[1] Enable usb debugging on your tablet.
Start The Tablet, Do the setting as follow:
Settings->Application settings -> Development -> USB Debugging [Check it]
[2] Power off the Tablet. Connect the Tablets to your computer with USB Cable.
[3] Press the Menu button and the Power button for several seconds, the tablet will the boot logo and text "FASTBOOT update System Focus mid device-000";
And then your COMPUTER will find new hardware (Android 1.0), We search the Driver from the folder "S5PV210 A816 Flash tools/usb_driver_r03-windows/";
After this, your Computer will also find "Android Bootloader Interface", we need to do the same as the above new hardware.
Note: The driver support the 32 bit Windows. It do not support the 64 bit windows. I'M GUESSING THAT'S WHY WIN 7 64bit never worked, but WIN XP 32bit should work//
As it is not allowed to type URL in message,
I show the Tablet firmware resources url for you in the picutre.
(1) S5PV210_A816_Flash_tools.zip
(2) Upgrage_To_Support_TFCard_Update_Mode.zip
(3) a816_full_s5pv210bena-ota-eng.20110531.zip
== (3) Upgrade the Tablet to support the TF Card update mode. ==
[1] Download the upgrade file (Upgrage_To_Support_TFCard_Update_Mode.zip) and extract zip file to a folder.
[2] Power off the Tablet. Connect the Tablets with your computer with USB Cable.
[3] Press the Menu button and the Power button for several seconds, the tablet will the boot logo and text "FASTBOOT update System Focus mid device-000"; mine reads device-001
[4] Double click the "Upgrage_To_Support_TFCard_Update_Mode.bat" (Extract from the zip file) on your computer. I just get waiting for device
The Tablets will reboot, you will see two android robots on the screen, and the upgrade is running, After it's finished, we will login to the Android System.
After The upgragde, If you can not mount the internal TF Card,
In this case, please do as below:
Setting -> Storage -> [Format (Erase) USB Storage], and then you will be able to mount the internal TF Card.
======(4) Upgrade firmware to the newest version. ==
1. Download the firmware file -- a816_full_s5pv210bena-ota-eng.20110531.zip, and put it to a TF Card.
2. shut down the Tablet first, then Press the Menu button and the power button at least 2 seconds.
3. The screen will show the below 4 choices:
1) Reboot system panel now
2) apply update from /sdcard
3) wipe data/factory reset
4) wipe cache partition
Select the Second choice (apply update from/sdcard), and press the power button about 1 seconds.
Then we will see the screen as below:
generally, We select the external-tfcard (We put the update zip file put in the external-tfcard).
And then, it go to the update list (a816_full_s5pv210bena-ota-eng.20110531.zip).
Then Press the power button about 1 second, the updater will be working now.
4. After the updating is done, it will back to the first screen.
Select the first choice (reboot system now), Press the power button about 1 second, the talbet will reboot, the updating for firmware is finished.
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