Need help. Just rooted my 7022


Dec 19, 2011
Hi everyone,

after a few months using my 7022 Kyros I decided to root it. I did it with SuperOneClick 2.3.3. Aparently, everything went good, but I´m not able to change LCD density, the app Mount /system (rw / ro) simply doesn´t work, although it shows a message that the system has been successfully mounted to r/w. When I try to edit build.prop at /system it says a error had occured. Even though the apps appear as authorized in SuperUser. I read somewhere that the rooting might not be FULL.

Is there any way to make sure the root works? There are several apps I need to install but can´t due to the incompatibility deed.

Tx a lot in advance.
I had the same thing happen - seems that the 7022 is only shell rooted. After some research I think this happened because nand memory is locked. You can change the density by downloading lcd resolution from market place. I am trying to figure out how to modify the build.prop If i figure it out I will let you know.