Need help with new Coby Kyros 7015


Feb 12, 2011
Hi everyone,
I just got my Kyros in the mail today, charged it and started it up. I put on my wireless and am able to get on the web. I went to the AppsLib and it had "update" there, so I clicked on it, then it seemingly started updating evidenced by the iittle squares lighting up from left to right. Problem is, it has now been doing it for over two hours. I have gone out of it. Shut it down, and when I go back to it, it starts the same little revolving squares again. Don't know what to do. The build is MID7015 1.6a_20101124-3. Also, at some point, it flashed to another screen and told me to register for AppsLib and as i was doing that, the Internet shut off for a minute :/ and then I couldn't find a way to get back to that registration page. I had put my name and my email address, but then I went online and registered fully. I still can't get back to the "login" page on my tablet and don't know if I have to log in to download apps everytime? It's still stuck in the revolving squares. Can someone help me?
Thank you,
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What version number are you running?

You need to roll up the sleves and start reading about the new update and rooting. The new update apparently locks your device down so you are unable to root it. So you will need to locate the previous Coby Update and follow the directions to update, and then root it per the instructions given at the link below. You are going to have to read in order to understand how to do it properly, it is not hard, but it is involved.

...See this thread as well for additional tweaks.

Edit Edit: I just saw where the new update locks the tablet down, so yo may want to see if someone can provide the previous update with all of the market stuff. DO NOT UPDATE VIA COBY YET!
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My Kyros says "Firmware version 2.1-update 1" The "kernel version" says 2.6.29 Root Android 2.1 I "have" read and read and read about this. I'm confused as to what I should do. At first there were messages that said you could go back to the old version and take the "something" image file out of the old update and put it on with the updated system, but then in another thread I read where this new update version from the factory locks out anything and we just have to wait until Coby does something about it. I'm not even trying to get Android Market at this point. I'm only trying to use the AppsLib that came with it. It stays in a constant state of "updating." I might be able to get it to go on and finish if I could get to the screen where it has you register and/or login but I don't even know where it is or where it came from when it popped up. I can't duplicate the action.
Well, I got the AppsLib to work. I just kept doing the same thing over and over again and finally it gave me a new box and told me I had to "update it in order to see the apps" which I had been trying to do now for hours. It actually and finally updated and now the apps show. I'm just going to stop here. If I don't enjoy it without the rooting and Android Market, I'll just send it back. Thanks for your response.
Almost sounds like your internet connection is crap. Is it a secure wifi connection? My home connection is open and I have no problem. There are extra settings with a secure connection that may be giving you problems.
Well, it's secure in that no one can tap into it due to an encryption password but it's an "open" connection. I don't know enough about these things to intelligently discuss, but I do know that much. I also noticed last night that when I take it into my bedroom, there is no internet connection at all. The little icon doesn't even come up. I've read that is a problem with these - the weak wireless adapter in the unit. I guess there's nothing that can be done about that.
Do you want to root it?

The appslib that was shipped with the later firmware versions are known to be buggy and it is recommended that you update the firmware. Since that recommendation first came out, Coby released a newer update that locks root down. This is easily taken care of by applying z4root as outlined in the steps below.

If not, then Coby USA has a video you can follow on their website that will show you how to upgrade your Kyros.

If you want to try and root it take a look at these posts...

Everything you need to do to root your Kyros is contained in this --->ALTERNATE (NEWBIE-FRIENDLY) GUIDE FOR ROOTING AND GOOGLE MARKET INSTALL ON WINDOWS - NO SPECIAL DRIVERS OR ADB COMMANDS NEEDED --- post. If you should get stuck during a step, come ask how to get around it. When you do it you will see just how easy it is...

You need to download some software....

z4root [APP] z4root - xda-developers

Recovery.img - - Download - - Download

Follow the directions and you will be set...It does not get any easier.