New Guy with a FlyTouch 2 or SuperPad or WWE10


Apr 14, 2011

Just got my new device, and its not too bad. I haven't had a chance to explore all the features but its my 3rd Android device so i am familiar with the apps and devices. I did find something interesting on the device. I could not get it to connect to my network with MAC filtering on the network. So after some investigating i found out that the device does not have an assigned MAC for the ethernet port. It changes everytime you power the device on and off. A little odd.

Also i am about to put Froyo on the device but i was wondering if anyone is working on porting Android 3 to the device. I may be interested in helping out. I really don't have much to do being stuck in Afghanistan for a year so gonna start developing on Android 3.

Ok well thats what i have for now. Thanks for the help and information, was kind of leary about such a cheap tablet but looks like it will work out ok for my first one. I can always upgrade later.

Thanks again,

I was thinking about throwing a team together to get some work done on 3.0 if you wanna help?
Does anyone know how to upgrade my superpad to 2.2? I'm new to android tablets and need some guidance...
They have a really beta version on these forums already if you wanna check it out.

Sent from my SuperPAD using Android Tablet Forum