New -- just bought a tablet on Ebay


Nov 2, 2011
Hi all!
Glad to have found you! I just bought a Coby MID 7022 tablet on Ebay. I haven't received it yet but I'm trying to read up on tablets and gather info. I'm sure I'm going to have a LOT of questions, lol. I don't even have a Smartphone. Actually, I didn't see the point of having two devices that do a lot of the same things so I decided a tablet would fit my needs better.

The Coby 7022 seemed to fit my needs and budget best. I hope I made a good choice!
Hi Teatime, welcome to Android Tablets. I'm glad you found us too, nice to have you here as a member of the forum. That Coby is a nice tablet and I don't think you'll be disappointed with it. Our Coby support community here at ATF is also excellent and you shouldn't have any problem getting answers to all those questions of yours.
Thanks, Spider! I can't wait to get the tablet!:D It will be my first Android device so I'll be grateful for any advice and assistance the experts around here can offer!
Whenever you need that "advice and assistance", just click this link to the Coby Generation 2 section of the forum. When you get there, read the "Stickys" that pertain to your tablet and look through the threads already posted there. If a question occurs to you while reading an existing thread, "Reply to Thread" and ask it. If there is no existing thread that covers your question, "Post New Thread" to ask your question. Also, use the search box in the upper right corner of any forum page to see if there's anything out there that covers your inquiry. Have fun!:cool:
I've been reading, Spider, thanks! I'm glad there are quite a few folks who have the same Coby tablet that I ordered! It will be arriving tomorrow, if the tracking info is correct. Yay!
Just don't forget, even when it arrives, the waiting is not quite over. It'll come about 40% charged and I'd recommend you plug it in and bring it up to a full charge before you pounce on it and start to play.:) Read the manual or something to pass the time while you're waiting the hour or two it'll take.:cool: