New Member Introduction


Oct 15, 2011
Greetings all. I am pleased to be able to participate in this great forum which I have thusfar been a reader. I am a Technical Application Analyst from Acworth, GA and I have picked up a ton of great suggestions here for imaging and rooting my Coby. I. Now have the Fixter 2.33 Honeycomb Blue Rom installed and the tab is working fine for now though this is about the 4th time I have re-imaged and rooted it. I have learned more with each effort thanks to you guys. I also ave an ASUS Transformer (rooted) as my larger tab. I am sold on Android over anything made by apple. Good to be among fellow android fans.

FhudgFrom my Kyros
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Hello Fhudg, welcome to the forum. Glad you decided to become a member and the information here has been useful to you. Sounds like you've been giving that Coby quite a workout.
Yes, it has been frustrating at times understanding the instructions and getting the proper drivers loaded for the different purposes. I learned a great deal and, though it is not a ton, I felt it would only be proper to share what I have learned as I continue to learn as well. Thanks for the response.
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