New Member Introduction!


Dec 28, 2011
Hello everyone! My name is Stacie. I got a Coby Kyros as a Christmas gift and I love it except for one thing. It is not compatible with the actual android market so I basically came here for help finding other places to get apps. I wanted an ebook reader but my kids thought a tablet would be good for me also and since they found this one relatively inexpensively, they decided to purchase it for me. I am happy with it because I have found it pretty great app wise as long as I can get to the apps I want. I am up for any suggestions for alternate app markets that are reliable and safe. I found a wonderful app on the real android market that I have been unable to find anywhere else. My tablet came with the Alkido reader and I found I like it because there are a few fan fictions on there and also some self published books. I really want to get some books downloaded because I am going into the hospital for major surgery probably in two to three weeks and I want to get some more stuff downloaded on my tablet for me to read while I am in the hospital since I am stubborn and will probably not rest very much and reading does relax me. (I should be admitted after the surgery for 2 to 4 days). If anyone knows of downloadable fan fiction, that would help too.

I am 38 and happily married (a newlywed as of June 24th 2011) with two sons ages 17 and 15 and an adopted son who is 29 and his girlfriend who is 20 also live with us so we have a full house but I am happy as can be. We are closing on our house on Tuesday the 3rd. The excitement is more than I can handle.

Please... any help would be greatly appreciated and I will contribute anything I can to the forum also.


Hi. Welcome! I'm new too. This is my first reply! I loved your introduction and thought I'd register so I could post back.

I don't know that tablet, but have you tried a Google for 'android market apk'? Find the .apk file somewhere and download to your tablet. Use a file browser to click it to run. This is the market program.

Let me know how you get on.
Hello Stacie, welcome to the forum and congratulations on the new tablet, marriage, husband, kids and house. I certainly wish you well with the upcoming surgery. It's nice that you plan to contribute when you can, that's what this forum is all about. As dansamy pointed out you can try Amazon to get those apps you want. Just click this link Appstore for Android and when you get there, follow the "Get Started" instructions at the upper right corner of the page. There are also other places to get apps listed here If none of those work for you, click this link to the Coby Tablets forum and ask the nice folks there for help. Hope that helps.
Hi jdmartin, welcome to you as well. Glad you decided to become a member and join us here in the forum. It's nice to see you helping out with your first post on the forum.
Congrats on the new tablet, and welcome to the forum! Good luck with your surgery, and congrats on the other stuff too!

Glad to have you here.
