New member saying hi


Aug 8, 2011
Hi all,

Im a noob here and just wanted to say hello. I dont own any type of tablet yet,but I will very soon. Im also looking into making apps for the android & the Nook Color. Hope to learn a lot from all of you.
Welcome to the forum. I'll be looking forward to those NOOKcolor apps of yours.:)
@ spider :

I see you have a rooted Nook Color. do you know if by any chance after its been rooted,that you can use a web cam on it ? And also What app's would you like to see for the Nook ?

& ty for the nice welcome guys

I also started a user group here called
[h=6]Android developers Group[/h]Where we can get together & talk about Android programing & help & how to's on the subject.
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I don't know about the web cam, I don't even use the ones on my computers. I'm not looking for anything in particular as far as apps are concerned, but I almost always find something I've got to have when I browse the market.:)