New to android sylvania tablet


Oct 15, 2011

I was given a new Sylvania android tablet and I am unable to download adobe so that i can watch items sent to me and try to look at games such as farmville. Is there anyone out there who can help me? :confused:
Hello zland, welcome to the forum and congratulations on your new tablet. I'm moving your thread to the Sylvania Tablets section of the forum. Someone there should be able to help you.
Sorry to burst your bubble Zland... Flash is not available on these tablets. People are working on it though, we will have it someday. In the mean time, use Skyfire browser to watch videos online. It is kind of a PITA, but it works.
IM having mix results on my tablet with flash; sometimes works, sometimes not, but mostly works in my tab,

Sent from my Sytabex7 Android Tablet
IM having mix results on my tablet with flash; sometimes works, sometimes not, but mostly works in my tab,

Sent from my Sytabex7 Android Tablet

Do you happen to have the apk for that one handy or know where its hosted, I have tried 10.2 and 11 and neither will install but I can't seem to find the flash that it tells me is already there when I go to install the other 2 (it says replace is the option)
Thanks installed and tried it out on facebook to try bejewelled blitz etc,after upgrading my disgo to 2.2 successfully but no joy,although facebook now thinks i've got an ipad lol,so the quest continues....:confused: