New to gTablet: which rom should I use?

Same Question here? I was very close to pulling the string at woot. I started with the Coby 7015 on black friday at kmart, bought the nook color 80 days later, returned the Coby one week later, just before the 90 day return deadline. Wife and finances would not let me keep both although I would have liked to.

Having been looking at G Tablet and Nook Color since I bought the Coby. Nook Color got me because I got the free $50 cover and $25 gift card at Best Buy. If the G Tablet woot offer was earlier it would have been it.

Again would liked to have both G Tab and Nook Color, but finances do not allow.

I lean more towards the G-tab then. More hardware for a better price. NC is great but I like my G-Tab better.
So Far lovin this tab and Rom; Issue... I can view the Market but am unable to really locate the files that i am looking for examples are Amazon/Kindle; Lookout Security; etc... Is this because of this being a truer tablet and so few of the app are geared to it. Can I "side load the apps from my PC? Would one of the other roms be better or did I hose upthe Market functionality?
So Far lovin this tab and Rom; Issue... I can view the Market but am unable to really locate the files that i am looking for examples are Amazon/Kindle; Lookout Security; etc... Is this because of this being a truer tablet and so few of the app are geared to it. Can I "side load the apps from my PC? Would one of the other roms be better or did I hose upthe Market functionality?

If you cant find it you will have to sideload it. Its normal for most ROMs. The only ROM so far that has the most usable market is G-Harmony-Gingerbread v2.1
Is there a place in here for terminology? Root? Sideload? And why do you need to change the ROM, and why so many ROM's
The stock rom, runs slower and is lacking in some nice features, such as flash. Different roms provide different features. One my Huawei S7 the current rom-not stock- allows for over clocking, and a few other niceties. This is a broad answer to your question, but I how that it helps.
throwing my .02 here, along with your ROM directory where you keep copies of your ROMs you download, do the same for apps, in an APK directory. Makes getting things set up after a ROM install a breeze, and is nice if you want to reinstall or share an app.

As far as finding APK files, here is a post I did back in Feb that allows you to search via Google for the APK file you want:

This allows you to find just about any APK file that is available for sideloading. Sideloading is where you copy the APK file to your tablet and then just click on it to install the app.