New to site but not to Android


Nov 27, 2014
Like my title says I'm new to this board but not to Android. Some of you may recognize me from over at Droid Forums. I've been a member over there for a few years, since my Droid Incredible days. In currently rocking a 1st gen Moto X. I love this phone but I needed a reader so I got a low end RCA tablet through a black Friday sale. It'll due me for what I need. Just wanted something bigger for reading books and web browsing. It's a 7" quad-core with 1gb of ram, 8gb of storage, and an SD slot. It should be here on Tuesday. I made sure that it was Google certified so I could have easy access to my Play account. I'll see y'all around this board or DF. Looking forward to learning about tablets now.
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Welcome - ATF (2)~01.jpg
Hi Loudram, congratulations on that new RCA tablet and welcome to the forum. Glad you decided to join us here at Android Tablets.