New To Tablets, New To Android, New To the Forum


Dec 18, 2011
Hey guys, I'm David. I'm defiantly a new newbie to tablets and android. I'm joining the site to hopefully gain more knowledge on tablets to purchase my first one. With that in mind, I hope I have a good experience with this forum and can get me on my way to the world of Android Tablets :).
Hello David, I'm glad you decided to become a member of Android Tablets. Welcome to the forum. I'd suggest you begin your Android adventures by clicking this link to the Android Tablet Discussions section. When you arrive there, read through the "Sticky:" threads at the beginning, there's a lot of good information there. Then, look through the threads that are already there to get a feal for what's out there in the way of tablets. That's also the place to ask "shopping" type questions. Good luck finding that "perfect" tablet for yourself!