Newbe, needs help ( Calendar & Email Problems )

Hi winston66, nice to a fellow Aussie here! I have a Google Android Tablet 2.2 MID. I bought it mainly for reading books and keeping a calendar of events and contacts. What a shocker! The calendar opens - I pick a date and it tells me I have no calendar! According to the manual (what a joke) I should tap the calendar and sent up an exchange account but it gives me no option for that. I have worked out the contacts (woohoo) but downloading and reading books - lol - still trying to do that!
Hi everybody,
Well what a shocking learning curve this all is.
Unfortunatley it all costs money and quite a bit of emotional upheavile when the expectations are misled by the promotional blogs.
However it has been said many times, No pain No gain, Unfortunatley I seem to have a very low pain tolerance, especially in the hip pocket area.
Well thats enough winging for now.
My report on the M9 Minipad that I mentioned in one of my previous posts.
It arrived ok and was well packaged the delivery was delayed a few days but no big deal.
It was supposed to be blue tooth capable , but they advised that that mod. was not available, so they deleated that option .
In use the touch screen is great to use it is sensitive and responsive.Its excellent for the Angry Birds exercises.
Very easy to set up for the WiFi reception its almost automatic, just go into settings and select the options that you want, and bingo.
Email reception works great, The down side is the small screen size, but the zoom function is great and easy to use and responsive.
E book reader is good the supplied version is ok. but is not a patch on the Aldiko free down load from the market. Aldiko has many options and improvments than the other version, Such as , Screen brightness control, Day or night operation. Multi colours selection of text and or background colours with variance depending on the selection for the ambiant light conditions and or the options for day or night usage, good page turning controll options and variable stroke input sensitivity.It gives tips and hints on operations and usage and has a built in dictionary , wikipedia, and or google lookup if needed, you just long press the word in question, and there it is .
It seems to have good battery life, but I leave it connected to its mains power pack most of the time.
The inbuilt android screen keyboard seems ok. but I do not have the Documents to go I am not very interested in doing any note taking at this time, I tried to down load the Swift Key X tablet Keyboard App but I could not get a satisfactory result so I cancelled that, will probably try again sometime in the future if I want to write anything.
I am pecking this out on the Desktop Windows 7 64 bit, whatever that is.
So far I am quite happy with the M9 but it is early days yet, Ive only had it three weeks so far and am still learning my way around with it.
If I have any further thoughts etc. will make another post later.
Well thats all I have to say for now so Cheers everybody.
hey all, any idea how to root this sukka? i have tried universal androot, z4root, zergrush etc. i cant seem to get the file system to remount as rw with adb and canna find the drivers for it's 'fastboot' mode tho i can get it into both recovery and fastboot (if thats what it's called)
thanx for any help u can offer :)