Newbie from


Oct 23, 2011
Hi there,

I'm new here and thought I would show my face. Soon to be setting up a fully-stocked online shop at :)

At the moment I'm using a few Android devices, so thought I'd sign up here to show my face (well, maybe not literally) and get involved.

The devices I own are as follows:

Samsung Galaxy S II
Apple iPad 2
Eken m009s and m003s

So I hope to get to know some of you, and can ask advice etc whenever I have problems with any of my own devices, or some problems with devices I will be selling in my shop!

Welcome to the forums. Please PM either 4nines or admin about getting vendor status if you want to be able to post about selling.

Sent from my ADR6400L using Android Tablet Forum
Hi JWF, welcome to the forum. Any questions about your devices, except the iPad:rolleyes:, are more than welcome. However, I'd suggest you read the and follow Peter's excellent advice for anything else. Hopefully, you'll also be able to help others from time to time with advice about features of new devices etc. since you'll be keeping up to date with what's available out there.
Thanks guys :)

Yeah I've PM'd admin, waiting for a response. Always been a member of forums (car forums mainly), so don't want to spam the site with advertising etc, just genuinely want to take part in the discussions and learn some more stuff. But yeah I will get a vendor status if possible, my site is currently being finished off ready to go fully live (it's only partly live at the moment).
You're welcome. The site looks nice and all my anti-malware says it's safe, hope this works out.
Thanks. Just trying to update the product photos now making them look a bit better. I just supplied local shops beforehand, now trying my luck online.