Newbie needs advise on what to buy


Nov 12, 2010
Ive been trying to find a cheap tablet and have looked at alot of the China based models. Im looking at the Eken m005, the Sylvania 7'' MID Tablet at Sears or one of the china models. I need help on what to get. Some of the ones Ive seen and read complaints about say that the screens distorts and has a warped look across them. I want one thats not going to do this. Right now Im leaning towards the M005 but if you guys can suggest a better one please do.
Ive now steered towards the Pocketbook IQ 701 or if money allows it, the Huawei S7. My main needs are internet browsing and email but like I said before I want one that the screen doesnt look cheap built. Suggestions still welcome.
The PB IQ 701 is a great device without hacking. Its UI and OS work smoothly and 100% better. My fiance and the kids love it. I just bought another for my M-I-L.
Hi J.M.G., welcome to Android Tablets. Nice of you to become a member of the forum. The best place to get advice and tablet "shopping" information on the forum is the Android Tablet Discussions area. I'm moving your thread over there so folks can help you figure out which tablet would be best for your needs. Good luck!