Newbie saying Hi


Jan 14, 2012
Just saying a quick Hi all, been lurking here for a while trying to decide which android tablet to buy, still not sure.
Hello pacswoman, glad you decided to join the forum. Nice to have you as a member, not just a lurker.:eek: For help in deciding which tablet to get, you can't do better than to look through the Android Tablet Discussions section. Just click that link and you'll be magically transported there. Read the "Sticky" posts at the top and then look through some of the recent threads to get familiar with the things to consider when getting a new tablet. If you have any questions, that's the place to ask them. Most important, have fun. You only get to shop for your first tablet once.:cool:
Just saying a quick Hi all, been lurking here for a while trying to decide which android tablet to buy, still not sure.

Hi pacswoman, welcome to the forum! for tablet buying, i think you should take a look at our Android Tablet PC, lots of good choices there. and i think some of the newest ainol tablets may of your interest, so, you may take a look at the Ainol Novo 7 Elf, hope that's what you want. Enjoy!:)