Newer than I can explain


Nov 6, 2011
I am a retired electrical worker. I know almost nothing about this stuff but I do have to time to learn something new. I know it may sound strange but I really do not know much or even what questions to ask. I have the time to listen to others and hopefully also learn from their actions and input.
Thank you very much.
Hello bulbman, welcome to the forum. I'm glad you decided to join us as a member of Android Tablets. You're pretty much starting out the same way we all did, from level zero as far as Android knowledge is concerned. It probably won't be long before you're up to speed and even helping others. Probably one of the best things you can do at this point would be to click this link to the Android Tablet Discussions section. Look through the "Stickys" at the beginning and then read the threads that are posted there to get a feel for what to look for in a tablet and how to find the "perfect" tablet for yourself. If you have a question regarding something already being discussed, "Reply to Thread" and if something occurs to you that's not being discussed "Post New Thread". Whenever you think you know what you want, go to the section of the forum for that particular tablet and look at what the owners have to say about it and what problems, if any, they're having. Have fun out there!:cool:
Welcome to the forum
You are in luck. It's actually easier to learn than to relearn. I started on Windows Mobile, made the jump to Android, then had a VERY hard time learning the Apple way of doing things.
This is a great forum with awesome and patient members that are itching to help in any way they can
2 things to remember when starting out . Menu is your best friend and press/hold brings up more menus . The second, if you get too lost just tap the home button and start over. No harm done.

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