Nexus 7 Tablets Surge Forward; Now Up to 1 Million Sold per Month


Editor in Chief
Staff member
Jan 5, 2011

We have some pretty thrilling new son the Google Nexus 7 front. Apparently, the Asus-made tablet is doing amazingly well. In fact, its sales growth is accelerating, and is now up to 1 Million units per month. Here's a quote with a few details,

“At the beginning, it was, for instance, 500K units a month, then maybe 600, 700K. This latest month, it was close to 1 million,” Asustek CFO David Chang said.

We don’t have the actual accumulated sales figure as Google is careful to keep it a secret. This probably means that it has sold far less than the mainstream option that is the iPad, but closing in on 1 million sales is a solid figure to report on and it seems to be getting good traction.

Earlier speculations pegged Nexus 7 sales for the whole of the third quarter at between 800,000 and 1 million, but with this new information it seems the actual sales clocked in higher.

You had to know that Apple found out these numbers, which is why they felt the need to release the iPad Mini. You always know you are doing well when you can gauge your success based upon how much you make your opponents dance.

Source: via PhoneArena
Very good news for the Nexus 7, Android and Google. Hopefully it has holiday legs to prove this is a viable device strategy for Google to keep producing and closing in on iPad like sales numbers in the future (maybe Nexus 7-2 or Nexus 7-3?).
Probably the most interesting thing to me is how Google, and Amazon, forced Apple into delivering a device they once again said would never happen. This time though I think Apple missed the point, it wasn't just a seven inch tablet people are enthused with, it is an affordable 7 inch tablet, or more acurately an affordable tablet in general.
I can't help but wonder how many people were just waiting to buy an Apple because the iPad was just too darn big....
Google is on the right track, and I think the Nexus 10 will become a true mainstream alternative to the iPad.