Nexus 7 won't charge


Senior Member
May 16, 2012
Hi all

Sorry if this has been posted elsewhere I've looked but couldn't find anything, my sons 1st gen Nexus 7 (about a year old) has suddenly stopped charging. He let it run flat, plugged it in overnight and the next morning nothing. As far as I can tell the battery is in OK shape lasts about 3-5 hours (of gaming/video use) between charges. I've tried the usual reset techniques holding down all the buttons for 15-20 secs to get to the bios to no avail, checked the battery connections and positioning, the holding down the buttons immediately after plugging in the charger trick, tried different chargers, I did briefly get an empty battery symbol when plugged into my laptop with a USB cable but that's about all I could manage.
It seems to have been a common problem about a year ago (bad batch!?). I have tried all the remedies depicted on the forum thread I found on this subject but the Nexus remains completely unresponsive, it has been plugged in two complete nights but refuses to charge or boot. I am awaiting a new battery but I'm sure that this is the root of problems, given that the original was holding a charge and lasting reasonably well.

Any Thoughts?

Many thanks
Thanks for your reply, I've tried different charger units and the USB cable plugged into My laptop, the cable itself is only a few weeks old and had been working fine until this incident. The forum I checked seemed to be concentrating on loose battery connections (tested) and doing a hard reset to bring the tablet out of deep sleep however the method described, hold all three buttons down after a restart had no effect in this instance. I'm at a bit of a loss!
