Nook color boot hang-up


Jan 17, 2011
My nook started randomly rebooting, but there didn’t seem to be any issue because it would still complete the restart. Now it is going up to the nook color screen with the little nook color dev on the bottom right corner. At this screen it will stay there for a few minutes, and then it will rewrite the nook color then stay for a few minutes then repeat. Not sure what has happened, and I really dont want to reroot it. Thats all I really know how to do with it. Also it comes up with a screen that says loading a new update for nook, and this takes a few minutes but seems to be successful, then it goes to the hang-up. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Sounds to me like your boot is messed advice would be to fall back to a good full backup...and if you can't do that, you will have to revert back to stock and start over.
Thanks for replying,
I have done the whole 8 boot interupts, and this seems to do nothing, except after about the fifth time it will start the installing of the update thing. I tried to reinstall the root, by going through the steps, but it wont even turn on then. Unless I remove the autonooter card from the slot. Any help is appreciated.
yeah that might be why it didnt reroot it, but then how do I get it back to a state where I can reroot it?
I only installed auto-nooter-2.12.25.img, with stock everything else. I haven’t had the time to work with a adb’s so I haven’t over-clocked it or anything. Thats why this is so frustrating since it seems to have just started on its own. Has anyone ever successfully removed froyo, and returned it to stock?
Follow the first post in the thread listed in my does the same effect as the 8 failed attempts, etc. It will take your NC back to a stock image. Just choose your stock image and follow the instructions step by step.

You will only need the first post.
Had never seen the n+power step after the 8 restarts. Thats why I couldnt get it back to stock. Now I am back to stock. Thank you to everyone that helped, and thank you darmeen.