Nook color stuck at "n" screen


Jun 2, 2011
I have found various threads that are close to my situation, but i dont think im asking the right questions to my mr. google machine...

so ill post here and see what you guys can straighten out for me.

i have tried to restore to stock numerous times, different stock images,

and these clock work recoveries

and ive tried samuelhaffs suggestions from a lot of his posts

such as repartition boot with stock
ive also tried recovery fix
and various stock builds

i even tried using clockwork to flash cm7 builds..


i always get n screen.

8force reboots dont work
power+n doesnt work

and only on the cw was i able to ACTUALLY SUCCESFULLY format /system and /data

im not sure what else information i can give you to help me better, just let me know
because this is day two of trying different combinations of fixes and nothing works.

so help me troubleshoot so we can figure what is wrong, and then figure out how to make what is wrong, right!

thanks in advance.
Not sure here but you may have gotten off track. Not knowing what you are doing and trying everyting can lead to complications outside of the ordinary that make it hard to figure out what you did and get you back. Unfortunately this seems one of those situations where you kept digging the hole deeper and deeper so it might take a while for us to help you get back.

First you need to understand the differences in the CWR versions that you are using, none of which are the most recent version. 3.0.5 is ext3, is ext 4 and is an early build of ext3 & ext4 that is known to have issues with certain combinations of B&N/autonooter.

Now what is ext3 & ext 4? It is the format of the partition with some ROMs needing one format and other ROMs needing the other. B&N ROMs need ext3 and ROMs built on CM7 need ext4. It sounds like you may be trying to flash with CWR for ext4 which is why you can't get the stock stuff to work (it needs ext3). You need to slow down and read some more before you jump in and do things.

First of all why don't you work on creating a bootable CWR SD card with the latest version of ClockworkMod Recovery on it. Once you have that decide on what you want to do (custom ROM or stock). Load the appropriate zip files onto the card. Powerdown and insert the card. Boot into CWR, clear your caches (if you don't know what this means read or ask where to read about it). Clear system and data. Flash your zips. Unmount and reboot. That is really all there is to it but you have to know which files to have and what you are doing at each step.

if i dont flash to stock, and go straight to cm7, will all the guys stuff i bought this from still be on the device?
and thank you for clearing up the fact that i should use the most current cwr because i was at a loss as to which version i should be using! im going to try this as soon as i get home! (cause i found the most current version lol)
if i dont flash to stock, and go straight to cm7, will all the guys stuff i bought this from still be on the device?

No, if you flash a clean install of CM7 it will overwrite anything on the device. Besides that I think you have totally wiped it at this point :D We just need to get it going again now.

and thank you for clearing up the fact that i should use the most current cwr because i was at a loss as to which version i should be using! im going to try this as soon as i get home! (cause i found the most current version lol)

This should be
si senor, that is the version i found, its been a slow, but educational journey figuring this out. I was very fluent in jailbreaking and stuff with iphones, and i jumped abruptly to android, and i love it rooting has not been a problem, but as you can see through all the support you have given me, i know not quite enough to actually fix anything, lol give me a brand new stock android device and i got that $hi# down! lol. at least next time ill have a lot more to work with! once i get things (fingers crossed) up and running, if there is an update to cm7, do i just do the cwr sd card and put the newest version on there and install zip? or if im updating do i still need to do the format system and data? from what i know now, im assuming fresh install means format that stuff, but if i dont it should install over the current system? without removing anything?
nope, i have not got it working yet.

As I posted in the other thread I think you have something else going on. As I have also said previously because you tried so many things already it is going to take some effort to figure out how the problems were compunded nd what to to about it so your situation is definately not the typical straight forward restore kind. We'll get you there if we keep working it though.

I thought we got you back on track?

got me off the cyanogen boot screen. I was able to reload stock boot, stock everything, but now it gets stuck on n screen. I think he's going to try a warranty replace.

I had issues with flashing his nook before too. I would install something on mine, worked like a charm. try it on his, falls on it's face, recover. Has me thinking there has to be some hardware issue if the same exact copy of the same software applied the same way works fine for me and most on the forum, but not his nook.
got me off the cyanogen boot screen. I was able to reload stock boot, stock everything, but now it gets stuck on n screen. I think he's going to try a warranty replace.

I had issues with flashing his nook before too. I would install something on mine, worked like a charm. try it on his, falls on it's face, recover. Has me thinking there has to be some hardware issue if the same exact copy of the same software applied the same way works fine for me and most on the forum, but not his nook.

Sounds like it could possible be bad internal memory. Stuck at the n means usually you can try the 8 boots and the power + n buttons. that usually works. Another trick is to try and plug the nook into the PC with the usb and connecting and booting. Sometimes using the usb pc connetion seems to jump start the booting process and get it through the sticking point.