nook color with bad serial #


Senior Member
Jan 24, 2012
can a nook color still be used as a tablet with a bad serial #. i found 1 for sale. i just want to play with it , not use it for barnes and noble. root, oc, rom. thanks
Yes, why is the serial number bad? It doesn't effect anything that I am aware of other than warranty issues.
It is normal to blow away the serial number on stolen phones and tablets. I'm not saying that is the case here, just want to pass the information along.
Too bad.. ..we were all curious about this bad serial number! :)

Samsung Galaxy Note
Wondering if that was Gloria's defaced Nook.
if so
Maybe it was too hot to hold.

I think you are talking about this one, the one who got stolen from me with speaker and reflection of the photographer and everything! :):)

Samsung Galaxy Note


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