NOOKcolor Owners thread

Noob Nook Color owner here. Well new to the nook anyways. Not new to Android. Loving this thing. Flashed honeycomb, got bored with that so flashed froyo, no homescreen landscape so I settled with stock rooted. Should I stay with 1.0.1 or move up to 1.1? Wasn't sure what the deal with 1.1 was so I haven't updated yet.

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If you have clockwork installed already and want to go to 1.1, you might as well load the 1.1 pre-rooted rom over top of your 1.0.1 rooted device via clockwork. It seems to be less buggy than autonooter 3 from what people have been saying. I am still on 1.0.1 myself because it is working perfectly for me. Alot of people have updated though, but I do not think 1.1 is a major update. I might load up the 1.1 rom later myself just to give it a try.
@Sue Do you mean that by using HC, you lose the original B&N ereader functionality and have to resort to installing the Nook app? That kind of stinks...

I think that HC is an entirely different operating system, and as such, it should take out what B&N installed into the NC. The B&N app is very simple to use, just doesn't appear to do subscriptions. Right now, because I'm using HC on an sd card, I can take it out, reboot and be back to my rooted 1.1 B&N system with everything back to normal. My real hang-up right now is that I don't want to mess around with Clockwork Recovery because according to what I've experience several times and what I've read, it screws up if you rooted using auto-nooter v3, which is what I did. So my options are just to leave it the way it is for now, or go back and restore to stock and then root using a different method. I have restored and rooted so many times that I've lost count so I'm going to stick with the first option for awhile, as long as I can play with HC on the sd card.


My husband gave me a NC Book cover for Valentines Day, the Wren Quote Cover in Leaf with the 2 rail system. Apparently most of the stores were out of it, but he found one. I am partial to sherbert and bright greens so I was pleased.

I really like it, but it like many other cases like it, it lacks a locking mechanism or catch.
So pondering about a book strap, I found they are exceedingly hard to come by. So I set forth a project to make one.

I ran to my local thrift stores and found a variety of nice ribbons etc to experiment with. However, the one I am using as my first prototype was a nice find for 99cents in the form of a extremely tacky set of elastic suspenders. It was bright green so it kinda goes with the book, and there was hardware on them that might be usable for other things. Snip snip,a little glue, some fire and a can of retro Dr. Pepper later. I finished it. I hope to make a couple different ones using a velcro system of closure. Note: I did add a piece of velvet on the back of the suspender closure to prevent scratches on the cover. :)

$book cover.jpg $insidecase.jpg $suspender clasp.jpg
$bookcover wstrap.jpg $clasp.jpg
Kind of quiet on this thread, isn't it? I got brave yesterday and put HC on my sd card and booted up. Wow! That is very cool! I even managed to get my command prompts correct for using ADB and was able to get Market on board. I think I'll just wait for a complete version before trying to do anything internally. The sd card version is plenty of fun for now. BTW - I did install the B&N app and it seems to work great with books - only doesn't seem to work with newspapers or magazines (I think that is a B&N thing). Kindle app works fine, also.


We finally got HC up and running on our NC tonight, but cannot manage to access Market. What the heck do we do to get there? Market is not on there already, and neither of us own an Android phone.
Not very likely, as B&N has kept a pretty good lockdown on those so far. Refurbs are being offered to employees, rather than to online sites. You could try through Best Buy, as they do carry them, but I think the prices are the same.
Picked up my NC Friday after work. Spent the weekend with my girlfriend, Monday was Valentines Day and yesterday I picked my sister up from the airport after work. I still have managed to find time to root my new NC with autonooter (it came stock with 1.0.1), load Zeam and button savior, ninja fruit, angry birds, clockwork, etc. Backed up then sideloaded 1.1.0. Everything was still there (programs, purchased programs and purchased magazine) but had to give permissions to Zeam and Button Savior again. Button Savior refused to work properly until I enabled USB debugging. I did not have to do that under 1.0.1. Backed up again so now I have a backup of 1.0.1 and 1.1.0. I have a class 6, 16 GB microSD card installed with movies, music and pictures. Used rain-x on the screen but it still needs a couple more applications. I have had almost no time to actually use my NC but with the little time I have had I find it plenty fast (not overclocked), very well made/solid. The size is perfect. 10" would be way too big to carry around. The NC fits in the pocket of my cargo shorts. Amazing e-book/tablet. I downloaded the live Honeycomb image but haven't had time to play with it. The adventure continues...
Make sure you're sitting down when you try Honeycomb. And give yourself an hour or two to enjoy it. :)

Stupid me! I forgot to give a great big THANK YOU to everyone who has contributed to this forum! I have been reading posts for weeks and had a "hit list" of things to do before I actually purchased the NC. Without all the work done by others I would never have purchased the NC and I would have missed out on a great device.
Since many of us on this thread are rookies, it would be great if someone (or several someones) might give us a brief description of some of the custom mods or ROMs and why they are being used. For example, I saw on another thread that Steve was using a mod called phiremod, and I keep reading about many people waiting for CM7. Why is that one so eagerly anticipated? :confused:


Since many of us on this thread are rookies, it would be great if someone (or several someones) might give us a brief description of some of the custom mods or ROMs and why they are being used. For example, I saw on another thread that Steve was using a mod called phiremod, and I keep reading about many people waiting for CM7. Why is that one so eagerly anticipated? :confused:



Sue custom Roms are awesome :) See my posts on phiremod here

I will attempt explain custom Roms...

ROM (Read Only Memory): This where your stock B&N Nook Color operating system is located when you buy the device. It is a memory chip located internally in your device. When we autonooter or root our device we are changing that operating system. When you boot off an sdcard card you are booting an alternate operating system form external memory, but it will sometimes mess with your internal os.

Custom ROM: A developer will take the Android Source OS or Nook Color OS and modify it the way they feel necessary. They can do anything as long as it works on the device.

Examples of Modifications:
-Enhanced performance
-Enhancements due to certain OS's (Froyo has flash, better copy/paste function,etc)
-Different Kernel options
-Custom themes
-Added system apps
-Flash capabilities
-Different interface
-Mods/Apps from other devices
-More available apps
-And just about anything the developer can pull from another Android device or OS and mod to fit the Nooks OS
-And much much more

Flashing: Custom Roms are usually flashed to internal memory via clockwork recovery. Your entire Nook is erased (not sdcard) and is replaced with a fresh rooted custom Rom or Operating System.

Disclaimer to all: do lots of research before installing custom Roms. They could potentially screw up your device if not installed correctly. Ask someone if you have questions.
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Custom ROMs are not something a Newbie should really be considering. There is a fairly high degree of risk involved and if you don't have the skills/understanding needed to repair a messed up NC it is best left to others until a simple/well documented/stable/reversable method is released. I have many years of hacking background with other types of hardware but my NC is my first Android based tech. I feel it is best to keep things pretty mild until I feel I have learned enough to try the more daring mods.