Now it won't connect to home wifi


Feb 15, 2011
was at my son's house and used his wifi and returned back home and now i can't connect to my internet. are they fussy about different wifi's. i tried all the motions of turning off the wifi, scanning my network and the such to no avail. i believe i have the generic MID
7 inch
that everybody else has with via 8505 533mhz

any help would definitely be appreciated.
you probably selected your sun s wifi as default there must be a way to delete that connection for sure
you must provide more info about your device like the OS it runs or the model
be specific get the manual for this info.
how do i set my wi-fi to connect to my home network or wi-fi to my android fone or laptop? is that even possible?
Hi eboomer, congratulations on your new tablet and welcome to the forum. I'm moving your thread to the Android Tablet Q&A section for you, where more people are likely to join the discussion and try to help you get that tablet connected to your home WiFi. Good luck!
Welcome to you as well ladysaintmsa, this thread is being moved to the Android Tablet Q&A section of the forum. Hopefully, someone there will be able to help you get connected to your home network.