- Jul 9, 2010
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built by farasite: [SOLVED] ntfs support for X5A Android tablet
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this is a forwarded post
This is a newer easier to use ntfs support for X5A Android or other tablets.
To install you need to use adb.
Copy the archive content to where adb tool is.
Now isue this commands:
adb remount
adb push install-recovery.sh /system/etc
adb shell chmod 755 /system/etc/install-recovery.sh
adb push libntfs-3g.so.80 /system/lib
adb shell chmod 755 /system/lib/libntfs-3g.so.80
adb push fuse.ko /system
adb push ntfs-3g /system
adb push umount_force /system
adb shell chmod 755 /system/fuse.ko /system/ntfs-3g /system/umount_force
adb install ntfsvolume.apk
adb reboot
An "ntfs volume" application is installed on the tablet and you can mount and unmount ntfs sdcards and USB ntfs drives.
You can write to the ntfs volume also.
In order for the app to work it needs root permissions. If you do not have root the app will not work.
You can contact me at madragomir@gmail.com