Fix for mali200 graphics issues !!! (Angry Birds Works Perfectly on TCC8902)

So is it merely a matter of using a file manager to drop the files into the appropriate folder if one's Haipad is already rooted, or am I misunderstanding?

I have located and backed up the original mali.ko file and copied the new version to my sdcard. However when I try to replace the original file with the new one, ES File Explorer will not do it. I've also tried Terminal Emulator with the following results:

# su
# cp -i /sdcard/mali.ko /system/lib/modules
cp: overwrite '/system/lib/modules/mali.ko'? y
cp: can't create '/system/lib/modules/mali.ko' : File exists

# su
# cat /sdcard/mali.ko > /system/lib/modules/mali.ko
cannot create /system/lib/modules/mali.ko: read-only file system

My tablet is rooted with Z4Root. Superuser shows the Terminal Emulator in its list of rooted apps, but not File Explorer.

I'm by no means an expert on this so I'm maybe missing something obvious. Can anyone please advise what?

Edit: OK now solved. /system is read-only and needs to be temporarily changed to read-write. Easily done using
Root Explorer.
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I just got around to applying this fix via Root Explorer and I'm impressed!
It all looks like it should now!

(Now if I can only get Angry Birds Rio to stop crashing out on me I could really grow to love this thing! ;) )
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just make a back like I did then copy it over...SIMPLE!!!!!

Could you please send me your backup to me? I forgot to copy a backup on mine and the new driver didn't work, now i'm stuck with a non-bootable tablet ><

Thank you!!!
(Now if I can only get Angry Birds Rio to stop crashing out on me I could really grow to love this thing! ;) )

Yeah, I have the same problem.
Luckily I have a second pad (Flytouch II) that plays it without problem. But that pad (Flytouch II) is a PITA for sound.
I'm running 1.2b and still have gaming graphical issues. *shrug*
Angry Birds Rio plays perfectly most of the time though LOL
I say this is significant enough to sticky.

I'd hate to think of this slipping by someone who could benefit from it.
Help needed!
I started a thread for CyanogenMod Android 2.2 for the Coby Kyros MID7015-4G but it suffers the graphics issues - Angry Birds with empty white text boxes.
I tried the 2.2 version in the O.P. but it's the wrong size - changes more than one field's value and causes a non-bootable tablet.

In Ubuntu using Okteta I can edit mali.ko. But searching for 00008001 I found 18 occurrences and don't see any clue as to which if any to edit.

Maybe those of you editing mali.ko have a far better tool and can see field+value. Is there a package I can download in Ubuntu to see the field+value to edit? Got time to tweak mali.ko for us? Can I attach a 988KB file to a post?
OK I got it.
There were enough clues here that I could do it.
Since others may find themselves in a similar fix I'll explain how I did it.
First - obviously we're editing mali.ko found in /system/lib/modules
Second from Post#7 xaueious gave a nice clue that the only change is 0x00008001 to 0x00002003.

I use Ubuntu 10.10 Gnome. Using the terminal...
First compare two mali.ko one original one patched:
cmp -l /..original../mali.ko /..patched../mali.ko
56375 200 40
56376 1 3
Only difference is exactly what xaueious said. But now with Okteta hexidecimial editor I know about where to edit.
Where is 56375 in hexidecimal land:
$ echo 'ibase=10;obase=16;56375' | bc
Yes - Okteta at 0000 : DC37 I find the place in the original and modified files. Now expanding and looking around I see what is above and below that, getting back to areas with text - so Now in the mali.ko that I need to change I look for the same area. Then look closer and find the 0x00008001 that I want to change.

In Okteta it's around 0002:407B that I see the same looking text above and below and the 0x00008001 that I want to change. Edit save. Test. Angry Birds now shows 10,000 for each unused bird rather than a white box.

cmp -l mali.ko.ridgeland mali.ko.original
147579 40 200
147580 3 1

I'm doing this for CyanogenMod Android 2.2. I'll either upload the mali.ko file to that thread or post a link to where others can find it.

EDIT: I uploaded the mali.ko as a zip in Post#6 of the above thread.
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I have a tablet with a Telechips TC8902 CPU, 256 M memory, 4Gb storage with Android 2.1 update 1, no clue what issues that update fixed, on it, and it looks pretty much like the Coby Kyros tablets.

I don't know what sort of GPU is in it, the specs only says it has 3d acceleration. Is there a way I can find out if there is a mali 200 chip inside my tablet, and then install this fix on it?
Thanks to the OP for the info. I modified the mali.ko via the hex edit method and it worked for a SmartQ N7 with the Mali200 chip. Angry Birds works now amongst others.

I'm still having issues with CoPilot Live 8 and graphics corruption. The screen res of the device is 1024 x 600, so wonder if this is fairly demanding on the graphics chip.

Can the memory be further increased using a different value? I can't work out the relationship between the values stated in a previous post "0x00002003 (corresponding to about 52MB)" and "0x00008001 (corresponding to about 25MB)".

Let's say I want to increase the memory the GPU can use to 64MB - what value should I use?
I just took it from the source here: android pad'm not sure how it works either, but take your desired hex, shift one hex to the left, and reverse it.

You could 0x00000004 for 64MB (0x04000000)

I am not sure how the RAM allocation works here. Typical TCC8902 config defined from boot:
150MB -> system
25MB -> HDMI
50MB -> VPU
Rest -> GPU ~ 30MB

This doesn't really add up if you just increase Mali's RAM allocation. sidnet's solution works, and I have no clue how.

I am not sure how the GPU would be cutting into. It might be HDMI, since people using the patch haven't reported outstanding issues.

Either way, going beyond sidnet's 52MB can lead to weird issues...