Off-Topic Discussion

Fabulous!!! The place is really shaping up nicely. A few guest have wandered in, we may have something here.

Welcome, Anima, MightyTallDude thanks for the link to FineOils, DeMatt, Taurus.

Welcome to the Party!

I was wondering do we serve Absinthe?


Nothing like getting Absinthe Minded on a lovely spring afternoon.
Perhaps Italian guys don’t like French guys but Italian guys love French women and viceversa and French guys love Italian women and viceversa and all this keeps a balancebetwenn love and hate.
Hi Local, did you see the barmaid? Doesn't she look like one of those girls in Darmeen screenshots? I believe he is going to stop by as soon as he is done relocating.
Last night I followed Anima Technica links and I saw some of his work, I love the robot family, I forgot the name but they are greater caracters and funny. I remember when a post- production company in Milan bought the first computer graphic and they were big machines. Do you own one of those? Did they get smaller?
Anybody watching Foo Fighters Live on Lettermen concert? Awesome :D
LocalStain thanks for the welcome. not on this forum much, so I'll have to visit outside my normal techie realms more frequently. Great photos.
LocalStain thanks for the welcome. not on this forum much, so I'll have to visit outside my normal techie realms more frequently. Great photos.

This is a great place to hang out! You ought to come by more often. Not just this thread the whole forum. Plus it always helps to have another Android-focused mind available in the event of a crisis:rolleyes:.

And J5 it appears I just missed it :mad::mad::mad: But I am certain it will be aired elsewhere.

:cool: I will track it down.:cool:

The Fighters of Foo are one of my favorite bands. Dave Grohl is easily one of the coolest MoFo's eva. I read an interview where someone asked if any Foo or Nirvana songs were going to be featured in "Glee" (Blech, cough, cough, garbage) because, you know everbody else was doing it, and he was like, Uh no, the producers of that show are vultures with no talent of their own so they just throw a dart at a map of "classic" acts and people fall all over themselves to have their songs on the show.:rolleyes:(I'm paraphasing):rolleyes:

Basically he said they were talentless hacks and he wanted no part of it.

:cool:Hell's Ya Man:cool:

Rock and Roll


Not Led Zeppelin, just JP & JPJ. Duh.
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well i thought I'd merge my two favorite hobbies (3D animation and nook tinkering) and render a little cafe scene

ok first one to post a screen shot in this thread will have it mounted as a wall photo in the cafe

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LS, it was a live webcast that just ended but you can watch it whenever you want here Late Show Video - Foo Fighters -

I remember Dave talking about Glee I think he was actaully defending Kings Of Leon's refulsal to let the show use a song of theirs.

AT here you go.


  • $ScreenShot-1.png
    104 KB · Views: 299
:cool::cool::cool::THAT IS SPECTACULAR!!!!!!:cool::cool::cool:

Unreal man. This thread gets better by the minute.


Alas CM7 still doesn't let me take screenshots been when it does I would like a gilded frame and a placement of prominence.:rolleyes:

Tee Hee.
They rock for a good while before Dave breaks into conversation between songs but he does say some funny things eventually.
LS, it was a live webcast that just ended but you can watch it whenever you want here Late Show Video - Foo Fighters -

I remember Dave talking about Glee I think he was actaully defending Kings Of Leon's refulsal to let the show use a sone of theirs

Thank You for the link and thank you for the refresher I couldn't remember the specifics, I was after all paraphrasing. LOL

Do you, by chance know where the original interview was? I think I saw the above quote on Gawker and would love to read the whole thing.


OMG!!! You know what? I think I'm in love with you!!!! This is sooooo awsome... it is just what I had i my mind when I was visualizing all of us meeting at cafe' de Nook.
Thank you

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Sorry guys, the love was for AnimaTechnica for the great rendering og tge

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