Off-Topic Discussion


I know you were teasing about not seeing the snowman ( between me and you I believe Spider didn't really see it! ), but I didn't get the litter joke I mean,until you explained it. Don't get depressed though are funny most of times!
Love the rainbow, I didn't know they have rainbows in LA.

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Rainbows are everywhere. All they need to appear is rain and sunshine.
It might be the sand coming from China. The beaches in Miami they didn't have sand, it was just a bunch of bushes so to turn those into beaches they bought sand from other States. But I was reading lately that there is no more sand in the USA and here in Florida they need more and China apparently has a lot of sand but there is a law that prohibits to import sand from other countries but may be they fixed it because it looks like China's sand.

Sent from my NookColor using Android Tablet Forum

They are in need of sand on some beaches there due to storms eroding the them, but it's not coming from China:

Work planned to dump sand on eroded beaches - South Florida

here is a sand shortage of sorts, but it has nothing to do with beaches. The fracking industry has hogged the nation's sand supply so glassmakers and metalcasters are feeling the pinch:
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They are in need of sand on some beaches there due to storms eroding the them, but it's not coming from China:

Work planned to dump sand on eroded beaches - South Florida

here is a sand shortage of sorts, but it has nothing to do with beaches. The fracking industry has hogged the nation's sand supply so glassmakers and metalcasters are feeling the pinch:

Sent from my NookColor using Android Tablet Forum

I was just trying to make a joke ....bad sand,coming from China,since most of defective products lately have been coming from there but, as JP said it before me, I guess it was funnier in my head!
But thank you, Sue for the links....I think is very interesting to see 'what's happening to our beaches and how expensive to keep them going.....let's try to enjoy them until we can!

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I was thinking it was like me being up here in the northwoods and saying there is a shortage of trees. :)
LOL, that too. Although it is in the 40s so if it doesn't cool down soon, that might not be valid.
So far, we've only had a dusting that melted before it hit the ground.
I'm afraid you're right. Thanks to the "Lake Effect", Wisconsin and Indiana take a lot of it off of us, but we still get enough to keep the plows busy. Many times last Winter, we had heavy snow headed straight at us and it went over or under at the last second.
Last year Chicago got socked a few times, didn't they? Up here we have a North of 64 rule. North of hwy 64 seems to have a different weather pattern the south of it. It is not all that unusual for there to be snow in May and sometimes it is a crap shoot whether the ice will be off the lake on time for the start of fishing season. One of the reasons we live up here. The nearest stop light is 35 miles away. :)
Only 1 really nasty one, 4' to 5' drifts overnight, but the plows had already cleared the streets by 7 AM. Luckily we've got the equipment and expertise to clear it quickly and get on with business as usual. It's awesome to see the huge plows running 3 or 4 abreast at 50 MPH down the expressways.:cool:
Sounds like it would make a good reality show. :) We live on a gravel road and didn't even get plowed the last time.