Ok please???


May 12, 2011
Bottom line, what do I need to do to make this thing functional, I go to google and it wont let me search anything it just says 404 error, I have the lates update dg3.20 ver 10. I cant get any apps to work at all ever time I do get some place it says it incompatible or just wont work.

I need an Idiot Proof way to make this work, easier instructions for a novice, look at me as a user not a "super tech guy" I dont understand the jargen, "do dos commands and stuff" tell me eaisily how to get to google and how to get to some apps please???????

If I cant get this thing working Im going to have to spend more money, and to justify spending $500 to $600 on a tablet im scared to death becuase my thinking is if I spend more it will be more user friendly.

Please help!

[email protected]

hell id even send you some $ on paypal if you get this thing working right!
Alright you need to turn your wifi on in the settings. Click the settings app, click network, click "turn wifi on" or something like that

As for the apps not running, it could be because your tablet is not authorized to use the google market or it could be a simple reset. Try to reset the tablet by going into settings, and finding reset.

Sent from my iPod touch using Tapatalk! Eat that Apple!
No No, the wifi is fine, Im connected to my wireless lan it just gives me errors connecting to google and the apmarket. I need simple troubleshooting steps or maybe just directins on how this thing functions
Sounds DNS related to me.

Try rebooting your cable modem, then your wireless router, then boot the tablet and connect.
You should be able to access websites then.