Opening up an Ideos S7 Slim


Aug 31, 2011

New tot his forum, so have some patience, I tried to remove the rubber from the sim slot on the S7 slim, bought at Bestbuy. (Am back in Europe now) Found out that, yes it does facilitate sim, as my old Ideos 7 does. Problem is, that the screen is off with regard to colours, so I much have touched something prodding around in it. The question, does anyone know or can tell me how to open up an Ideos 7 slim without wrecking it. The six screws at the back with the lit removed do not do the job and I do not want to start wrecking it further if possible,


Ok it's a bit silly but found out how to open the back,

Disclaimer, all at your own risk, warranty will no doubt be voided!

1. Open battery cover, unscrew 6 screws visible
2. Pry op cover at the other side, do not slide, pull it of carefully prying along the edge, it is a a straight lift, no sliding. Unscrew the 3 screws which become visible.
(Store all these screws somewhere safe)
3. Remove the entire white cover by prying again along the edges, I started at the speaker opening at the side of the volume up down button, moving along both long sides to the other side.
(the up/down button and on/off button will drop out)
4. Assembly the reverse way, the two buttons are easily slotted in.

(Not that it solved my problem, being pop-art colours on the screen, but I thought it may be of use)




New tot his forum, so have some patience, I tried to remove the rubber from the sim slot on the S7 slim, bought at Bestbuy. (Am back in Europe now) Found out that, yes it does facilitate sim, as my old Ideos 7 does. Problem is, that the screen is off with regard to colours, so I much have touched something prodding around in it. The question, does anyone know or can tell me how to open up an Ideos 7 slim without wrecking it. The six screws at the back with the lit removed do not do the job and I do not want to start wrecking it further if possible,


hi mate

Just to clarifie it.
Now your screen looks as if it runs i 8 or perhaps in 16 color mode .
If yes than i have the exact same problem and yes i ended up this way while trying to remove the rubber thing from the SIM slot.

This is what it looks now


On the second pic


Upper left in the red circle is the 6th screw covered with a white sticker or some paint. just above the SIM slot in the hole (red circle in the middle) is a similar larger sticker.
I removed both these stickers while searching for a way to get to the SIM slot and
upon restart the screen was as it is on the first pic.

Have you removed/damaged the stickers?
Have you fixed your device or got any info about the nature or fix of the problem?

If i find anything i will post it.
did either of you happen to see if the internal sd is removable

Sorry to both for the delayed reply.

1. Yes that is exactly what it looks like, only in darker shades in my case. I noticed that I may have knocked a very small component of the main board, will try to show that with pictures in a few days time.

2. And I did unscrew the screw you point at, voiding the warranty

3. I will also make a picture of the opened tablet, as far as I dare to go without fully wrecking the thing. It may be showing the internal SD to experts

4. Bought the thing at BB, am in Holland, so no use going back to them, tried to have it repaired via a company selling it. No go, just tried another, no reply yet. Tried contacting the service center in Nordhorn, Germany no reply.

And now for completenes an repetition the well known Huawei statement, as long as their service is at this level I fear that I will not opt for them again, which is a pity considering their products:


Our reply as bellows:
due to the customized feature of our device , the device you get in US could not be fitted in to warranty in Netherlands

If you have any questions ,please feedback:Feedback - Huawei Device Co., Ltd..

Thanks for your support and concern.

Huawei Device Website Team
Sep 30, 2011


At least it clears the mood publishing it,

Kind regards,

How did you actually remove the black foam bit? I seem to have torn it and left some in the gap. Did you find that the SIM card was recognized or worked with your US BB device? I have one as well and am interested in the ability to get 3G.
I found this tear down of the Slim, the photos are a good reference, but a little too grainy. I am trying to figure out the serial port pinout, but it clearly shows the SIM card contacts.
Huawei’s IDEOS S7 Slim Android tablet gets torn down by FCC, will support AT&T 3G |

In response to remarks:

1. Attached pictures of my wreck, one original, the other shows in a yellow circle where something came of, I would need a macro lens to show it, but it is silverish on one side, black on the other and seems to have been connecting the points located in a square shown in the circle
2. With regard to the sticker, no sticker left on mine as far as I can see it.
3. You can open it up as I did, after unscrewing all the points, by carefully pulling the two back covers of. The pull at the speaker location on the white aft side where the volume buttom sits. Once the side is opened up with a gap, you can move around the entire edge with a screw driver, rotating it, again carefully before you know it you may cause damage.
4. Yes my screen also looks like that.
5. The ****ty thing is that it was all caused by no response from the screen anymore, then considering that I may have bent something by removing the rubber, whilst checking with a pin I damaged the part. The response is back with a rom update. It's always the devil with his schemes.
6. Anyhow, bought a transformer eee pad 32 with dock today, will not open that one ;-)

If anyone comes up with a solution or knows a repair center in Europe, please post it or send it to me.

Kind regards,



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I scratched/pried the foam out, as you can see in the pictures in the other reply, the connection points are there, but no slot or holder, was led to believe that the BB version had 3G but that is not the case.
In response to remarks:

1. Attached pictures of my wreck, one original, the other shows in a yellow circle where something came of, I would need a macro lens to show it, but it is silverish on one side, black on the other and seems to have been connecting the points located in a square shown in the circle
2. With regard to the sticker, no sticker left on mine as far as I can see it.
3. You can open it up as I did, after unscrewing all the points, by carefully pulling the two back covers of. The pull at the speaker location on the white aft side where the volume buttom sits. Once the side is opened up with a gap, you can move around the entire edge with a screw driver, rotating it, again carefully before you know it you may cause damage.
4. Yes my screen also looks like that.
5. The ****ty thing is that it was all caused by no response from the screen anymore, then considering that I may have bent something by removing the rubber, whilst checking with a pin I damaged the part. The response is back with a rom update. It's always the devil with his schemes.
6. Anyhow, bought a transformer eee pad 32 with dock today, will not open that one ;-)

If anyone comes up with a solution or knows a repair center in Europe, please post it or send it to me.

Kind regards,


I have a request with a board called to see if anyone can shed some light on how to add a "sim" card holder.

anyluck on your end ?

I have a request with a board called to see if anyone can shed some light on how to add a "sim" card holder.

anyluck on your end ?


No luck with soldering sim contact.
Opened my S7 Slim 201w and carefully removed the black form sim shaped piece from the back cover. (The only way it should be removed is with the back cover off. Digging around on top the circuit board is a mistake). Soldered a sim contact (see photos). And tried the stock rom for the 201u and no success. The sim card was not detected. Flashed be the 10-20121122-experimental-asturel back un my tablet still no sim detected. I even tried to make an emergency call but apparently the radio is not on in the 201w. It probably is not entirely software but perhaps some hardware left off or unconnected.
So I posted pictures for anyone who want to pick up where I stopped.
Link to Fcc page:'QISS7-201W'


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