Order came in with a broken screen


Oct 10, 2010
a friend ordered a Flytouch II from pandawill, but the order came in with a broken screen.

What is the best solution to handle this ?
Expect panda to tell u to pay for shipping which may cost as much as buying a new tablet

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As it was defective in SHIPMENT, you should not be required to pay for return. You may need to use the Non-payment challenge of your CC card or however you paid for it. It is defective upon arrival
Thanks for the answers.
My friend has tried to contact pandawill, but he has not yet received a reply.
I think that the option for sending a replacement screen is the best option, because like AnimaTechnica said, returning the tablet from Belgium to china is rather expensive.
I will report when more info is known.

If no reply comes in quick, I think it will be best to try the option gurgle mentioned.

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If it was shipped UPS or FedEx you may be able to file a claim with them. It's a lengthy process though. Contact the vendor first to give them first shot at fixing the problem. You should not have to pay for shipping to return it or for your new device.

Pandawill send a new screen (cover), and you will not believe this: BROKEN AGAIN.
How much bad luck can you have :(
Exactly how broken is it? Is it smashed cracked split ? what was the packing like? If the packing was flimsy then the carrier is at fault.
How do you prove you didn't do it? Get pandawill on the phone and talk to some-one - be nice.
Well it's not the screen itself that is broken, but the cover. First the glass of the cover was scattered, second time it was a split. With the second glas it is workable, but not nice.
It is almost unbelievable that it got broken because the packaging was very good.
Pandawill promised to send a new one again.