pandigital ereader purple


Dec 27, 2011
Hello I got this thing for Christmas and am having a hard time figuring it out!!! SOMEONE PLEASE HELP...
OK first issue where is the android market place? i found this other slide something or other, but the apps in it suck! and i also keep getting an error 505 message.
how do i get the android market? i have been reading a lot on here about it and i don't really want to root it or whatever that is, found a post about getting it with out rooting just up dating the firmware. can someone please send me instructions on how to do this?
also when i try to install some apps it says the only devices i have is my cell phone it is like it is not recognizing the e reader.
any and all help will be greatly appreciated! thanks in advance...
The pandigital tablet is not connected to the android market as being because they run on a modiefied version of android. More than likely it is running OS 2.1 or older and most of the apps you try to download require OS 2.2 or later

Sent from my Transformer TF101