ok, but if you remove the you tube player, did you install another one? The kids all need you tube. If so, how did you go about doing all this? I am computer knowledgeable but know nothing about tablets
I figured out a fix for the supernova wifi issue and it doesnt requre a firmware update/rewipe
I noticed after installing google market that my wifi stopped working after next bootup
Using root explorer i noticed the root area (/) had 196.86 used, 4kb free
(Keep in mind that my pandigital is rooted so this fix will probably only work on a rooted device.)
Using Titanium backup, i uninstalled one of the aps that is factory installed in the firmware. I decided to remove the old version of youtube player
but you can remove any of the factory installed aps that you dont need to have on there, just make sure its nothing that is system dependent and it should be listed in red.
After removing the youtube player, i noticed the root was 192.6MB used, 4.21MB free and after reboot, my wifi was working again and has remained working
so it appears that when the root folder is full that it messes up the wifi, perhaps cause there isnt enough room to write an ini file or something, dunno
I would take this method as a last effort before re-doing firmware; it saved me the hassle of wiping everything so i hope this will help others too.