Pix of Inside my dead Flytouch 3

Thanks to the uploaders of the pics. It looks like there is plenty of scope for upgrades. i am thinking there is space for at least a BlueTooth and additional Flash memory drive. I notice on the pcb there is an unpopulated i.c. Can anyone identify what this chip may be. I am guessing flash memory. If it is flash memory, then there is another upgrade path by just installing the second chip or replacing the chip with hire spec chips.

Has anyone identified the USB hub used in this tablet?
Is there any spare usb ports available? If not, maybe another hub may be used to provide more usb ports, depending on space.
It is also nice to know the 8000mah battery is genuine as stated in the specs.

I am now looking forward to getting one of these soon.

[EDIT] Wow I found the tiny screws holding the board in:p, thought it was just glued or something. [EDIT]

I am a noob when it comes to the innards of electronics, but I am in a similar situation. I have an identical tablet and I bricked it within a matter of days. I had rooted the device and was toying around trying to get the market to work fully (as it only displayed the free apps). I learned about the build fingerprint and how the android market uses the fingerprint to dictate which apps your device can "handle." I don't know for sure this is what crashed the device, but that is what I had been working on previous to it's failure. I changed the fingerprint and then rebooted it, as instructed by some forum. And to my horror it would only get to the pulsing ANDROID logo and remain there endlessly. I am hoping that I can just format the internal SD card and reinstall the android OS. My dilemma thus far is that i have the thing opened up and I am able to see the sd card on the underside of the motherboard, but i am not sure how to get it out. I see pictures of the board taken out, but I don't know how you took it out without breaking anything. Any help would be immensely appreciated, as this tablet is a gift to my fiance (and i haven't told her i broke it yet:rolleyes:.)
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i register here just to told the one who burn the apad .. it's okey just remove it and the apad will work but you need to change the charger to better one

i had the same problem and i though it's the end of the device but it's works :)
Friend, my tablet is a Superpad2. I think I applied the firmwere SUPERPAD.
After following the steps ([GUIDE] :: SuperPad/FlyTouch2/WWE10 Android 2.2 Froyo USB Flashing :: - xda-developers) it will not boot anymore.
The blue light turns on and off.
everything was going well until the item 14 (After flashing this is the result.) but after the reboot, the power light turns blue for one or two seconds and dies.
Has a solution?

Where can I find an image of internal sdcard?
Already tried the image image576.GHO, but I tried all the ghost does not open.
You who have an ISO sdcard or have the link that made the ghost image image576.GHO?

for those who want to do more internal upgrades to their Flytouch/Superpad 3, here is a great site with pics

"This is not for you to start opening the FT3, if you do it will be at your own risk, this will certainly void your warranty.

1st, from top to bottom, the new speaker taken from an old not working laptop, the original FT3 speaker and the original 4GB Class 2 internal micro SDCard.

A simple image of the FT3, please note the covered round holes one at each side on the bottom, and there are two also on the top, they hide the screws that we need to take to open the FT3

The screw with the little cover taken off

After taken the screws, time to open it, the tool that i've used:

Please note: you should take off the FT3 plastic pen and the external micro sdcard if you have any before opening the FT3.

I've started by gently pushing on the top (where the camera is) like shown in the picture

then, done the same on the left side.

Now, the inside... just ignore the black cable passing next to the wireless antenna, that was my 1st attempt to change the original speakers.

dont forget to remove the touchscreen cable.

now a few pictures from the inside before removing the board. Again, the black cable, the bottom speaker and the black tape on the right speaker are not original, it was my first attempt to change the original speakers.

Now a close up to the wireless card, its a Ralink chip, (never had eared about it before...) you can also see where there was the left original speaker, and because of the plastic surrounding it i couldn't place the new speaker in there, but now i will remove the excess of plastic


Please note: Don't forget to remove the screw from the little motor that makes the vibration, it has fragile a little cable.

Some photos of the other side of the board. On some of them i've removed the micro sdcard to exchange it for a 4GB class 4, i've tested with a 8GB class 2 but with an external card of 32GB i don't need to much space on the internal micro sdcard... (either way the data partition only has 1GB even with a 8gb micro sdcard...)

The final inside photo:
I've removed the excess of plastic from the left side, with that i was able to insert there the new speaker, but unfortunately, on the right side there wasn't enough room to change the speaker, so i had no choice but left the original right speaker. I will try to find some smaller speakers...

The partition table information of the tested non original 8GB micro SDCard (Its the Disk 2)

I have not done mine I'm still waiting for the battery to arrive but for the speakers I was able to get a speaker from a dead Dell M710 mini laptop and it sounds great and I did not even bother upgrading the internal 4GB SDHC I'm using a 32GB SDHC (external).

help me with this please : http://www.androidtablets.net/forum/gome-flytouch/28705-please-help-my-flytouch-3-dead.html