Please Help Before I go MAD!!


Apr 5, 2012
Hi all. I have a WM8650 -(MID) here. It has the chinese app store on it so I have been looking around at how to update it to the newer app store which would give me english apps etc. I asked on another forum, gave them all the specs even a pic of it and they said it's not a WM8650 it's something else so I dug around a bit more and found it to be an Eken M009F. So, I have gone to the Eken site and downloaded two things, a burner (INFO TMIC Burning Tool) and the Firmware for the M009F (from here.. EKEN Tablet PC,Car DVR Support Download Center)

I have unzipped both files, got the burner running and have the firmware files unzipped. When I use the burner I click on 'Boot Disk' then look for the file(s) to burn. In the search box at the bottom it says "Files of Type" then in the box to the right of that it says "IUW Files *.ius. Now this is where I am stuffed! It says this in the instructions.
Burner the system by SD card

  1. Open IUW Burner tool,choose "Boot Disk"
  2. Choose ius image file
  3. Get the SD card to inserting the PC with card reader
  4. Choose SD card drive,such as“Removeable media1”
  5. Press the "Burn" button on the tool
  6. Insert the SD card into TF-1 port
  7. Press the power button to start the burning.

  1. Pulling out the SD card until the burning completely already, then press the RESET to restart the system.

It seems straightforward enough to do but I can't find any "ius" files anywhere at all!!! It's driving me completely mad! I really would appreciate any help here at all as to where to find this elusive 'ius' file, I would even pay someone to do it for me, I just want this file which I cannot find!

Please help, I simply don't know what to do.

Thank you for reading this.
Try 'uberoid rom'. I use v10.1 on my mid703 but there's a new v11 out there, I couldn't load it but I think that was my fault. V10 works very well. Just follow instructions carefully. (Tip-type in rt3070 before entering changer.dat no for your device-it will improve your wi-fi, slightly.) Again this needs to be loaded from pc unzipped onto sd card. You should find link and advice on wondermedia based section if you search.

Sent from my M9701 using Android Tablet
Ps this is iyou find it IS wm8650 I'm fairly sure m009 is, unless they've changed chip.

Sent from my M9701 using Android Tablet
Thank you for the replies. :)

I have already tried what you suggested a while ago but apparently you cannot use a ROM on my Tablet!! Says so here, scroll right down to the last reply (I am not on there it was someone else with exactly the same problem as mine) UberoidTool: Installing Uberoid was never this easy! [DOWNLOAD]

So I am going around in circles now, cant use a ROM and can't find this IUS file!!!! It really is driving me mad!! :D
Well it's been almost two days looking for an answer for this one. Looks like I have to get rid of the China Telecom software or code or something like that. I found a IUS file but it says when loading onto the tab that the file is damaged! I can't be bothered now, all I want to do is put Sky Go on it from the app store. I have downloaded Google Play and tried from there but it says the pad is not compatible so I will have to leave it now I think. Oh well.